2: The doctor's She-man son

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Edited by Relendria

Liang Meng Yao opened his eyes. Wasn't he hit by a truck?

He could feel his arms, nothing seems to be in pain, and the only discomfort he felt was the emptiness in his stomach.

He looked around. This home was very old style. Feeling he should help the owner, Liang Meng Yao got out of bed but he stumbled to the ground. He felt very weak.

What did he expect after being unconscious for who knows how long?

Soon a man came in. The man had a peculiar appearance. He was rather feminine in some ways but Liang Meng Yao didn't comment. The man seemed surprised he was awake.

"F-father! He is awake!"

The person's voice was rather loud and shrill but Liang Meng Yao didn't say anything.

Soon an elderly man entered the room. He looked at him and then approached Liang Meng Yao's side.

"Young lord you should rest," the man said.

Liang Meng Yao looked around, confused. Was the elderly man referring to him? He was no lord.

"W-where am I?" he asked in a hoarse voice.

"You're in Han village," the old man answered.

"Han village? I know no such place," Liang Meng Yao said.

"Oh, young master, this is a village in a remote area of the Qing empire," the doctor told him.

"Han village? Qing empire? What's going on? There is no such place!" Liang Meng Yao argued.

He tried to get up but stumbled back down.

"Young master, you must be confused. Why don't you get some rest?" the doctor said.

Liang Meng Yao nodded. It's would be better to clear his head. It was still throbbing.

The doctor turned to his she-man son.

"He looks confused. Leave him be for now as he seems to have hurt his head," the doctor said.

Liang Meng Yao was awakened once again when the hunger could no longer be ignored.

Liang suddenly look down and saw white hair. He picked up a lock and pulled at it.

"It's mine?"

Though he dyed his hair white, it was short. In addition, it was temporary. This hair seemed real. Liang Meng Yao was confused so with the little strength he had he got up and walked outside.

After exiting the old-fashioned house, Liang Meng Yao was even more confused. This place... where was he?

It looked this those rural villages that you only see in movies. He was baffled. Where was he? How far from home was he?

"W-where am I?" he stammered.

"Young master, you're awake!" The she-man from before approached with a basket of clothes.

"G-good evening?" he said, looking at the darkening sky.

"Good evening young master. Why don't I get you something to eat?" the she-man said.

Liang Meng Yao nodded and then walked back in the house with the she-man.

"Excuse for being rude, but what's your name?"

"Ah, it's Fa Enlai. I am the village doctor she-man son," he replied with a smile.

Liang Meng Yao was confused. Did this person just call himself a she-man?

Liang Meng Yao didn't say anything and just sat on the side of the bed looking around.

"Um, how long was I asleep?" he asked.

"For four days."

"And I can still walk? I'm more durable than I thought," he said, praising himself.

Fa Enlai only chuckled the young master with the strange hair was quite charming.

"Um, so who brought me here?" he asked.

"It was one of our villagers. He's very busy right now but you can meet him later. For now, eat and replenish your strength," Fa Enlai said.

He nodded obediently and looked at the porridge. It was rather simple but he was a stranger in their home. He was lucky to get anything to eat. He obediently drank it with no qualms.

Fa Enlai was impressed by his cooperative behavior. He didn't make a single complaint, nor did he try to flirt with him. It was good and a bit disappointing at the same time.

"Are you full? You should rest now," he told Liang Meng Yao.

He nodded.

"Thank you for the food. I'll try to repay you in some way," he said with a smile.

Fa Enlai said nothing and just nodded. This man didn't seem to be flirting nor does he seemed to have ulterior motives. Fa Enlai smiled and nodded again.

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