Episode 13 - The Last Night

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You three were facing each other, away from any glance; that night, Jonathan Reid was on the verge of making a revelation that would have shocked those in attendance soon.

《That night...》  The doctor started  《...you were walking along the main street and that is where all happened...》

Meanwhile, you stared at the vampire as you remembered that moment yourself, right after leaving your house.

《Unbeknownst to you, a man was stalking you...he decided to approach just when there were no more people around you.》  Jonathan explained in a lower tone than earlier.

《Apparently, his goal was to rob you, but you reacted by trying to defend yourself...but unfortunately for you, that man carried a weapon with him...》

For a moment, McCullum stared at your expression, so focused and terrified at the same time. The problem was that you didn't remember anything what Jonathan was saying and it was as if you discovered a missing piece of your life.

《The first stab was in the abdomen...I can only tell you that I found you in the alley lying on a pool of blood, when your killer was already gone.》

When he said that, Jonathan had a twinge as he remembered that painful moment.

《Your heart had already stopped beating. You were died, Miss Wright.》

His last sentence made you fall off balance. You suddenly knelt on the ground, unable to believe that story.

《H-how is this possible...》  Of course, you were referring to the fact you became a vampire.

《...I was the one who transformed you in vampire. In my eyes, your death was horribly unfair. I hope you can forgive me for this insolence of mine.》

The pain began to erupt in your chest at the idea that someone had taken your life in such a cruel way...if you hadn't had a fight with your father and if you hadn't decided to run away, you were sure this wouldn't have happened.

It was just your fault, in the end.

But unlike what he thought, you weren't mad at Jonathan; on the contrary, you could only be grateful for that, regardless of the consequences of his choice.

《What happened to that man?》  You asked in a whisper and the vampire replied that he was dead. You breathed a sigh of relief at the idea that such an evil person was no longer in this world.

Jonathan leaned next to you and gently stroked your little body; now, you understood many things, for example the fact he gave you his own blood to make you survive and to prevent you from drinking human blood. In a way, he was taking care of you.

However, there was someone who couldn't accept all of this, and it was Geoffrey McCullum.
Without thinking twice, he pointed the large sword at Jonathan's neck.

《Tsk, I knew you had something to do with it from the start, you bastard.》  The hunter had listened to the whole story and just hearing he was the one who transformed you pissed him off more.

Anyway, you got up as fast as you could to stop him.

《Please, he is not to blame for this!》  After that, McCullum felt your palm on his arm outstretched and ready to attack that hateful vampire.

《I see, you defend him because he gave you immortality, huh?》  He looked at you with narrow eyes  《And you? What you promised him in return...》

You didn't understand what he meant, until you remembered your torn dress. There had never been anything between you and Jonathan because, unlike him, he had always been a gentleman.

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