Meeting him

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(Art is not mine)
Y/N=your name
F/S= favourite slasher
A/N= authors note
TW: mentions of suicide and murder

You had always been a big fan of horror. Your favourite slasher was F/S. You where a big fan of his/her/they're/it's movies and you really enjoyed it. It had been a long day at collage and you felt tired. You decided to take of your clothes and take a bath. While you where sitting in the bath you remembered that scene from nightmare on elm street where Nancy was in the bath, asleep and Freddys finger knife glove was about to grab her before her mom woke her up. When you where done you put on your pajamas and went to bed.
You woke up in a very familiar..boiler room?..
You then heard scratching noises like someone was dragging a bunch of knifes on pipes.
(Hey that rhymed :D )
Your eyes opened in shock when you saw him..Freddy Kruger..standing right In front of you.
You where shocked and immediately shouted:
"FREDDY KRUGER!!??" He looked at you a bit surprised to the fact you know his name.
He pushed you against the wall and started threatening you
"Well we'll what do we have here?"
He asked looking you up and down
"Looks like this little mouse knows a bit to much..."
He said looking at you and starting to drag the knifes on his glove across your cheek.
"Oh please do kill me. I would be thankful if a legend like you killed me!"
He looked at you shocked. No one has ever said that to him. So what makes you so different from everyone else? He got more interested in you by the second.
" want to die? Why? What's in it for you?" He asked looking shocked.
" well first of all I don't want to die of old age or like an accident that's just boring. I would love to die by someone like you. Second of all I want is to die and third of all the more that I am in pain the more that you gain and to me that seems like a pretty fair trade!" He looked at you with shock all over his face.
" you know about any other..slashers?.."
He asked. He didn't want to kill you because he was too interested in you but he couldn't just let you go either with such information that he's real and not just a fake made up killer from a scary movie.
"Yes in fact!" You said with a happy expression.
This only made thing worse for him. He didn't want to kill you because he was too interested but he couldn't just keep you alive either. He didn't know what to do with you. So he decided he would tell the others and they would figure out what to do with you.
You woke up and couldn't figure out if that was just a fake dream or if you really just had meet the REAL Freddy Kruger.

Freddy POV:
I went back to the heelshire mansion and looked at Norman Jason and Micheal sitting on the couch watching TV.
"Hey uhh guys..I think wee might have a problem..Norman go call all the other slashers wee need to talk..."
I said kinda nervous..I don't know why..
Norman replied
"This better not be something stupid Freddy"
Hannibal said very seriously.
"No it's not anything stupid this is Serious.."
I said nervously
"..well get on with it"
Hannibal said a bit annoyed.
"Uhh well I was just killing people and I came a cross this one girl/boy/person and uhh..well they know about us and I didn't kill them because I thought they were..interesting. and I wanted to know if maybe you guys would want to meet them?.."
  I cringed at my own sentence while i
waited for their answers. Micheal, leatherface and Jason made a weird noise. Brahms and Norman where looking at Hannibal and candyman waiting for their reaction. Danny looked amused same as Chucky and pennywise. Candyman and Hannibal looked at each other and then back at me and then Hannibal said:
"Fine I would like to meet them but only if everyone here agrees."
Everyone nodded.
"Then it's settled. We will meet them tomorrow when they go to sleep and you Freddy will convince them to come here and meet us." Hannibal said looking at me.
Ughh...tomorrow is going to be a looonng day...
I thought.

Welp I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this nightmare book :)
Anyway have a nice day/night/evening!

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