Chapter 10

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Armed with French fries,hotdogs and sodas in their arms, Madison and her entourage stood before me, and it felt like reality was breaking.

"Or is it taken?" Madison asked me. "Yeah, I mean. . .No." I said and swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat.

Madison's friends, Stacey, Phoebe and Miley sat down facing me and Madison herself sat down beside me.

I couldn't believe this was happening.

Phoebe is Madison's closest friend, she was a short dark girl and was really smart. I actually looked up to her because, not to brag or anything, she was the only person in high school that was smarter than me. I still didn't understand why Phoebe and Madison were this close, they were an unlikely pair. Madison was the popular girl and her name was in everyone's lips and Phoebe was just the little shy girl in class.

Madison knew Stacey from the cheerleading squad, she was pretty cute and had red hair. Plot twist, Stacey is dating Frederick.

Yes, you read that correctly. She's Frederick's girlfriend.

Miley on the other hand, was a girl who was obsessed with the fashion and entertainment world, she's the head editor at the school paper the "Stanley Falls High Sundial".

"You know this is the first time I've seen you here, Chad," Stacey said.

"Yeah, she's right." said Madison popping a French fry into her mouth.

"Uh," I begin. "I'm actually supposed to start working here this Saturday."

"Really," Phoebe sent me a shy smile. "That's kind of nice."

"Yeah," I say realising that I was loosing my cool. I was thinking of plenty ways where I could goof this up. This was a golden opportunity to ask Madison out.

"Maybe when you start working," Miley was saying. "You could slip us extra snacks or something." She shrugged.

They broke into laughter. I let out an uneasy laugh. I wasn't sure if I would actually do that though, I didn't want to lose my job. But for Madison. . .fuck I'd do that.

"And. . ." Madison said twirling a strand of her hair and looking at me. "You'd look cute in a Bernie's Diner uniform."

I think the cells in my heart all shut down at the same time.

"Yeah," I said and decided to take a leap. "Can I have your number?"

Madison raised an eyebrow." What?"

I realised that she was confused, the Stanley Falls resident Nerd had asked for her number.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I say shaking my head. I am such an idiot. "Never mind."

"It's okay," Madison said. "I could give you my number if you still want it. I mean I have all the guys in our class numbers. . .except you"

My heart sunk at the realisation that Madison had all the guys numbers. . .even fucking Jason.

I force a smile. "Sure." I give her my phone and she typed in her number.

"Aren't you going to ask for ours?" Miley says after Madison hands me my phone.

"Uh. . .yeah, why not?" I say and they all punch in their phone numbers on my phone.

The more the merrier, I guess.

We talked for a while and I slowly became more open to the girls and wasn't cowardly as I had been a couple of minutes ago.

"Did you guys hear of the founders Day dance?" Stacey asked. "I know Freddy's already going to be my date at the dance."

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