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"Where is she?"
I heard shouting in the hallway. Then my door burst open. My calm and collected eyes met ice blue ones, full of rage and hatred. He looked like he wanted to kill someone, preferably me. I was sitting in my armchair smiling up to him while he slammed the door shut.
"Where is she?", Ramsay repeated. "Where is Sansa?"
"You were right. I couldn't have expected you would leave her in peace. So I ensured her safety by myself."
"My hounds will find her. And after they did, both of you will wish you were never born."
He moved forward but I raised my hand.
"Speaking of your hounds..."
A low growl was heard from the shadows behind me. Sharp claws and a big head came in sight. The hound gnashed its teeth when Ramsay wanted to take another step. An astonished look appeared on his face.
"I have to admit I am surprised it didn't lacerate you."
"Oh, it's more than that."
I stretched out my hand to touch the dogs head. It sat down obediently and let me stroke over its fur. While I did so it had stopped growling.
"Very impressive. With what did you feed it?"
I chuckled quietly.
"With love and appreciation."
This earned me a scoff from him. But he turned serious again after he realized I wasn't joking.
"I guess you haven't trained her for long. She is almost a pup. That's the reason why she is still receptive for affection. And this is worth a lot more than your treatment ever will. Like I was able to pull Theon on my side."
While his eyes burned with fury his lips formed a smug grin. I still wasn't sure if I adored it or if I wanted to punch it out of him.
"My hounds are loyal to me", he claimed.
"Well, then it shouldn't be a problem if you come closer."
We stared at each other for a while. I caught a glimpse of insecurity in his eyes but it was gone a second later. Instead he took a confident step forward. The hound beside my feet started to growl again. Quiet at first, but when Ramsay didn't stop it got louder and more dangerous. Ramsay was so reckless to stretch his arm out. The hound took that as an invitation to snap at him. Unfortunately Ramsay was quick enough to pull his hand away.
"Stop", I ordered calmly.
I hadn't adressed anyone directly but both - the hound and Ramsay - remained in their current position. The insecurity was there again when he realized he had lost the loyalty from one of his dogs. I guessed he never thought that this could ever happen.
"Now, after that is cleared up why don't you take a seat?"
Ramsay didn't move. Instead he glared at me as if he really considered to take the risk in attacking me. His hands twitched slightly like he wanted to strangle me. I raised my hand and the hound jumped forward and snapped at him again. Ramsay hurried to take the seat.
"Alright. Let's talk", I announced then.
"About what?"
"I want to become Lady Bolton."
He tried his best to hide his surprise. But I still saw that I had caught him off guard. He clearly was looking for a logical reason for what I had said but failed.
"I am already married to Sansa", he reminded me.
"Theoretically. But she is also still married to Tyrion Lannister and even if he never consummated the marriage she is still his wife. Which makes your marriage with her invalid."
"You really want to become my wife? After all what I had done? To innocent people? To Reek? To your sister?"
I nodded slowly but full of confidence.
"You are insane!", he realized.
"Took you long enough to discover that!"
But I was certain he knew all along. That was the reason why he was drawn to me all the time. Because we weren't so different after all.
"I will give you a heir and I am going to be the Wardeness of the North."
His lips turned up into a devilish grin and he raised from his chair. When he came over to me I ordered my dog to stay put while I stood up as well.
"Then it would be an honour to become your husband", he declared.

The Wolf and the Bastard - A Ramsay Bolton FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now