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I waited a proper amount of time until I was sure that most of the guards had left with Ramsay to battle Stannis. I had gained new strength and willpower through the power I had felt when I had almost strangled Ramsay.
I never thought that it would come in handy I had tried to lockpick every door in Winterfell when I had been younger. I didn't have any difficulties to open my door. I had expected a there would be a guard standing outside. But there was none. I rushed over to Sansas room. I wanted to unlock her door but soon I realized I didn't need to. When I opened the door I quickly discovered that Sansa wasn't there. I wondered where she went.
I sneaked outside and over to the kennels where I assumed Theon. Ramsays hounds growled quietly as I passed them. Everyone of them appeared to be dark and tall and dangerous. I caught a glimpse of big white teeth. Then I stopped in front of a cage on the far end of the kennel. The hound in there observed me with watchful eyes. When I stepped close to the gates it raised from its sleeping spot and came over to me. It sniffed on my outstretched hand curiously. Then it sat down behind the bars and looked up to me as if it waited for orders.
"Yara?", I heard a voice behind me.
When I turned around I saw Theon crawling out from one of the cages. I had guessed right that Ramsay let him sleep with his dogs in the kennel like he was his pet.
"I hoped I'll find you here."
"You shouldn't be here. If he finds out that you left your chambers-"
"I know", I interrupted him impatiently. "It is important that we hurry up! I can't let Ramsay abuse Sansa any longer. We need to get her out of here. Today."
Theon shook his head repeatedly.
"I ... I told her too. I told her that your brothers are still alive. She begged to help her. But I refused. I can't. If he finds out ..."
"That's why you are going to join her! You will escape with her and he will never be able to harm you again!"
"No, I-"
"Theon Greyjoy, this wasn't a request!"
I forced him up from his crawling position and dragged him towards the exit. He tried to pull his hand away but I was too strong.
"Yara, wait. There is something you need to know."
The urgency in his voice let me stop.
"There is a woman named Myranda. Ramsay instructed her to ensure that Sansa won't escape. She is constantly watching her."
"I'll take care of her", I promised.
We rushed out onto the courtyard. Just when I was about to come up with a plan I spotted Sansa standing above us. Not far away from her was a woman with long dark hair. She aimed with a bow towards Sansas heart.
"I assume this is Myranda?"
Theon nodded silently his eyes widened in terror.
"We need to help her!"
I started to sprint over the courtyard with Theon dragging behind me. He almost tripped but I forced him to go on. Myranda was too distracted to notice us. Theon appeared behind her and reached out to hit the bow out of her hand. Seeing Sansa being in real danger must have finally opened his eyes. At first he seemed to struggle to win over her but then he managed to push her over the railing. She screamed on her way down and hit the floor with an awful cracking sound. She was dead instantly. Then the gate opened an several soldiers rode inside the courtyard. Ramsays army had returned sooner than expected.
"Up!", I shouted.
We hurried to climb the stairs even higher. I helped Theon and Sansa to crawl onto the edge of the wall.
"You need to jump!", I told them.
"We won't survive this!", Sansa shouted.
"The snow will damp the fall", I claimed.
It appeared that Sansa considered the alternatives but there weren't many. Jumping of the wall was their only chance to escape. Even she seemed to have understood that.
"Then come on, Yara!"
Sansa stretched her hand out to me but I made a step back.
I heard shouting from underneath.
"What do you mean? Come on!"
"I can't." I made another step back while I shook my head. "I belong to him."
Theons eyes widened in shock when he realized it had never been my intention to leave with them. Sansa on the other hand glared at me as if I had lost my mind.
"Yara!", she shouted furiously.
"I'm sorry", I whispered.
I stretched my arms out to push both of them over the edge. I didn't make sure if they landed safely. Instead I hurried down the stairs. Most of the guards were distracted by the dead body of Myranda. I only counted about two dozen men. The rest of Ramsays army had to arrive soon. Luckily I didn't spot the bastard anywhere. Nobody really noticed me when I sneaked past them. I knew exactly where to hide in the shadows to stay unseen. But before I wanted to go back to my chambers I had to take care of something first.

The Wolf and the Bastard - A Ramsay Bolton FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now