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No one seemed to have noticed my disappearance. Well, except Ramsay of course. I hurried to get to my room before the colours on my neck got darker. It annoyed me that I wasn't able to see it but I was certain by the pain I still felt it would soon look pretty nasty. Luckily I passed no one important. Most of the guards or servants didn't even glance at my way.
As soon as I entered my room I searched my wardrobe for a fitting scarf. It wouldn't be suspicious at all to walk around with it all the time. If someone would ask why I wore it inisde as well I would just say I got a sore throat. It wasn't a lie after all. Before I put it around my neck I sat down in front of the mirror to inspect how bad it was. I scrunched my nose when I saw how a deep purple handprint had already formed on my skin. I let my fingertips wander of it and couldn't hold back a hiss. My lip wasn't in a better condition. The place where he had bitten me was red and swollen. I licked over it again while I recalled the situation in the woods.
I still didn't understand why my body had responded to his actions like that. I shouldn't get aroused by his violence. He had killed people, even flayed them alive. He enjoyed it when people suffer. It was false. He was false.
A knock on my door pulled me out of my thoughts. Quickly I wrapped the scarf around my neck. Then I inspected myself in the mirror to make sure everything was covered.
"Come in", I finally said.
The door opened and Sansa came in.
"I was searching for you the whole morning", she told me while she shut the door. "I need to talk ... What happened to your lip?"
"I was in the woods. I got hurt", I simply answered.
"Hurt? By what?", she asked me.
I wanted to gave her as little information as possible. Even if I wasn't a bad liar she always could tell when I told the truth or not. We grew up together after all. When I didn't answer at first she frowned her forehead even more. She clearly was angry at me but behind it I discovered something else. I could tell that she was worried. She had never liked it when I roamed through the woods all by myself. It still hadn't stop me from doing it anyways.
"The woods can be dangerous sometimes", I replied shrugging.
Especially if a certain bastard was in it.
"That's why I always told you not to go out there. At least you should have taken someone with you."
I always hated it when she treated me like she was my mother and I was her child. She was only fifteen minutes older than me. Still she behaved like she was much more mature than I was. Yet she acted so naive when it comes to the really important things in life. But I didn't want to fight with her though. There were only few people I could trust in this place I once had called home. I decided to change the topic.
"Are you only here to lecture me or is there a different occasion?"
She looked at me like she didn't want to leave it at that but then she let out a resigned sigh.
"You missed to pick out a dress for my wedding."
"You really think it is still a good idea to marry Ramsay?", I asked her instead.
"Don't start all over again."
"But, Sansa. Even you must have realized what kind of a man Ramsay Bolton is. You couldn't have missed what he had done to Theon."
"He got what he deserved", Sansa replied in a cold tone.
"You can't be serious. Did you look at him? I mean, really look at him? What must Ramsay have done to him that he is so loyal towards him? You know Theon. He would have never acted like that in the past."
"It doesn't have to mean that Ramsay did this to him."
I shook my head in disbelief.
"I hoped after all what happened in Kings Landing ... after all what Joffrey did to you, you would realize that Ramsay is a monster as well as soon as you saw him."
"Ramsay isn't anything like Joffrey. Ramsay is nice and polite. He even reassured Petyr Baelish he wouldn't harm me."
"You are right", I agreed with her.
Sansa eyed me suspiciously. It didn't happen often that I admit I had been wrong. In fact she was right to be wary.
"Ramsay is far worse than Joffrey!"
She wanted to say something but I interrupted her.
"We shouldn't fight. We only have one another. Please, Sansa. Don't marry Ramsay Bolton. We will find another way to win back the North."
"Why do you want to prevent this wedding so badly?"
"Because I am worried about you."
"No, you're not." She crossed her arms. "You are jealous!"
I couldn't hold back an incredulous laugh.
"Believe me, that's the last thing I am."
"Of course you are. You think that I am dumb, but I'm not. I can see how you look at Ramsay."
I underestimated her. She knew it. Everything. Panic was rising in my chest.
"You want to marry him instead of me!"
"What? Why should I want to? I never wanted to marry anyone!"
"Maybe you never wanted to marry because of love. But if you would become Ramsays wife you will be the Wardeness of the North. You always hated it that I was preferred because I am the oldest. So the only reason you want to make me believe that Ramsay is a bad person is because you want him for yourself."
I realized I really underestimated her. She was dumber than I thought.
"How can anyone be so gullible like you? You want to marry another sadist? Fine! I won't interfere anymore. Do what you want but don't complain to me later!"
I raised from my chair and walked past her.
"Leave!", I commanded while I opened the door.
She opened her mouth but closed it seconds later. With an offended scoff she rushed past me. She didn't even look at me. I wanted to shut the door when my eyes spotted someone standing in the hallway.
"I am sorry, Lady Yara", Theon stuttered. "It wasn't my intention to eavesdrop."
"Where's Ramsay?"
He flinched at the mention of his name. His eyes flickered around nervously.
"He left with his father a while ago."
"That's good. I wanted to talk to you for a while now. Come in."
Theon hesitated for a moment. He looked around if someone was nearby. Luckily there was no one else in the hallway. Slowly he entered my room. After I closed the door again I turned around to him. He stood in the middle of the room with his head down and his shoulders slump.
"Theon", I addressed him.
"It's Reek", he contradicted which made me scrunch my nose.
"I am never going to call you like this."
"But it's my name now", he insisted.
"Maybe it is what he calls you. But to me you will always be Theon Greyjoy."
His head shot up. I saw a glimmer of hope appearing in his broken eyes.
"I don't deserve your kindness, mylady. I did terrible things. I dishonoured the alliance your family and mine had. I conquered Winterfell. I killed your brothers."
I made a few steps towards him but he backed away. I didn't stop until his back hit the wall behind him. His eyes widened in pure terror when I reached out my hand to touch his cheek. He wanted to escape but there was nowhere to go.
"Tell me the truth", I requested in a gentle voice.
Theon stared at me silently. His slightly opened mouth trembled in fear. Tears started to stream down his face which made my palm wet. But I didn't drop my hand. To be honest I didn't want to make him feel that way but I had no other choice. I needed to know.
"I won't tell him", I promised.
"I ... I didn't kill them. They got away", he finally whispered.
With a satisfied smile on my lips I made a few steps back. Theon sighed in relief.
"I need your help", I told him then.
Despite what I had said to my sister before I couldn't let her run into her own doom. But I couldn't do it alone.
"Sansa is in great danger. I can't leave her to Ramsay. But she is too stubborn to listen to me."
"Why? You can't know if he isn't good to her. He didn't harm her."
Yet. I knew he had wanted to add this single word but didn't dare to. I pulled on my scarf and let it drop to the floor. Theons eyes wandered down to my neck to inspect the dark bruises. He didn't say anything but he didn't need to anyway. All of his emotions were written on his face.
"You are the only person I trust."
"I am sorry, but I can't help you."
"When I've come up with a plan I will need you", I insisted.
"I ... I can't."
I saw how he struggled with himself. His fear of Ramsay was too strong and he couldn't be sure if I could be trusted. I had to give him time. I only wasn't sure if we would have enough. It hurt my soul but I had to press him a little bit.
"You have to. You owe me. For what you have done to my family."
Finally he nodded slowly.

The Wolf and the Bastard - A Ramsay Bolton FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now