Can this day get any worse

I step back and open my eyes. I'm met with someones chest.

I look up, my breathing hitches as I'm met with those same icy blue eyes from yesterday. Not this again. I mentally facepalm at the deja vu feeling.

He smells so good

"S-Sorry, I didn't s-see you there," I mumble while trying to wipe my cheeks, removing any evidence that I had been crying.

Is this dude made out of steel? He just stares at me.

I probably look like a drenched rat.

This is awkward.

"Um, can I get y-your address?" I asked.

He furrows his eyebrows at my question

"F-for the project, you never gave it to me yesterday," I blurted. He only rolls his eyes and nods, grabbing a sticky note out of his pocket.

This dude just carries those in his pockets?

"Here" He says and hands me the sticky note, I ignore the slight tingling sensation as our hands slightly touch.

I smile and walk around him stuffing the note in my pocket.

☆ ☆ ☆

I didn't think I'd come here ever again.

Penelope Eleanora Drakos
Beloved Sister, Daughter
In Our Hearts Forever

I sit in front of her tombstone. "Hey Pen"

I look up at the sky closing my eyes before taking a deep breath "I miss you, astéri mou" (my star)

I don't know how Natalia knew about my sister. She was 6 years older than us and I never mentioned her to anyone.

We had moved here after her death before my freshman year and I've kept to myself ever since.

My parents paid a lot of money to keep her death off every website and news outlet.

"Come on Seph!" Penelope teased. "You'll love it Pen, I'm essentially a professional make-up artist" Penelope rolled her eyes. "Are you done? Can I see it?" she asked. I nod.

"OH MY GOD YOU SNAKE!" She shrieked. I couldn't hold in my laughter as I double over clutching my stomach. "I look like a clown, Seph. A fucking CLOWN!" I can see the smile on her face, letting me know she's amused

I feel my bottom lip wobble as tears escape my eyes.

I exhale rubbing my chest hoping to relieve some of the constricting pain.

"I wish..I wish you didn't leave us Pen" I whisper, bringing a shaking finger to the picture on her tombstone.

I knock on her door "Pen?"

no reply


no reply again

I decide to try one more time

"Penelope, momma said dinner is ready"

still no reply, she must be asleep.

I open her door, not prepared for the sight in front of me

She's laying in a pool of her own blood, not moving.

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