Chapter 1

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Disclaimer! I don't own Naruto! I wish I did but I don't! Ok on with the story!

7 years ago...
"Come on guys we gotta hurry before she wakes up!" I hear the muffled voice of my brother Neji. "Ok then quit talking! Wait Chouji! Did you bring the marker?" That sounded like Shikamaru, I must be dreaming. "I'll be right back!" Ok what's up why am I hearing my brothers friends? I start to wake up but soon I am paralyzed, "nice on Shika!" I look Chouji came running into my room and Shikmaru was crouched on the ground, I was stuck in his shadow possession jutsu. "Why are you guys in my room?!" I scream. But before they answer Chouji hands Neji a black marker, Neji pushes back my bangs, but all I can do is glare as he writes something. As soon as he's done Shikamaru releases his jutsu and I can move again, and I watched as Kiba, Akamaru, Chouji, Shika, and Neji run out of my room. I scream after them, "NEXT TIME I SEE YOU ALL IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" After I say that I walk up to my mirror and lift my bangs, and scream I hear the boys bust out laughing. I run to my bed crawl up on my pillow and start to cry, I hate when my brother plays pranks on me. Ok I get it I'm younger than him but not by much! He's older than me by 2 minutes, but he still holds that over me, sometimes brothers bother me.
"Are you ok?" I hear a voice behind me, I quickly wipe my eyes and see Shino. "Y-yeah I guess." I manage to say, I blush but it's not noticeable. "What did Neji write?" He said in a monotone voice, "oh um, he uh..." I was cut off by Shino's bugs pulling back my hair and him coming closer to inspect it. 'Crap crap crap!' I said in my head. Shino looked at my forehead then blushed, he turned around but before he left I said, "thank you for checking to see if I was ok." He nodded and when back with his friends. I soon heard screams and yelps for help, Shino had set his bugs lose. I laughed, and thought 'that's what the get for putting "property of Shino Aburame" on my forehead.'

*Present day*
Ever since that day Shino and I had become great friends we even got put on the same team! I wake up and run into Neji's room and give him a great big hug and scream, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEJI!" He groans but soon hugs me back and kisses the top of my head. "Happy birthday Mai." I let go of Neji and run back into my room to grab his present. I got him a katana with the Hyuuga crest on the middle of the blade. I run back into his room "here." I say and hold it out in front of me. "I know your not a weapons fanatic, but I thought just in case ya know?" He took it from my hands and he set it down on his bed. He wrapped me in a big hug, "Thank you."

He whispers in my ear, I nod he then turns his back to me and gets my present. It's in a simple brown box, I take the lid off and I see a necklace with a ruby gemstone. I hug him so hard he couldn't breath, "I love it Neji! Thank you so much!" I leave the room so I can get ready, today I plan on walking around the village with my cousin, Hinata. But, poor Neji has training today, I laugh mentally because Neji didn't want to train but, his Sensei Guy, guilted him into it. I'm in the process of pulling my fishnet shirt over my black tank top, and Neji walked into my room to help me put my necklace on. I screamed once I saw him, but he does this every couple of days I should be used to it. He laughs at me then tells me to turn around, once he puts it on he turns me around and I punch him in the arm. "Ow! What was that for?" He screams, "Next time knock! How many times have I told you!"

I scream back but before he can do anything I use my new transportation jutsu. I appear right behind him, I stick my tongue out, and run downstairs onto the training grounds within our compound. I see Hinata, and she's carrying two boxes one wrapped in blue and one wrapped in pink. "Happy birthday Mai!" She hugs me and hands me my present, now I know what your thinking the pink box is for me. Nope! The pink ones for Neji, Hinata is shy when she is around her friends but when she is around family. She is bubbly, funny, and loves to play pranks, or maybe she's just like that around me, I don't know. But most of the time I help her with the pranks, this I didn't this time because Hinata said and I quote, "no! You'll end up seeing what your getting!".

Neji comes downstairs and Hinata wishes him a happy birthday and hands us our gifts. Neji is very confused by the pink box, he facepalms realizing what Hinata had done. I look at him, 'why did you fall into such an obvious prank?' I say in my head, but quickly regret it because Neji hits me in the head. "Oh dear sister, you do realize that we have telepathy being twins and all. I can hear everything you think." He walks off without another word. "Well since he's gone where do you wanna go first?" I ask Hinata but she just shrugs, "wait you need to open your present." She says, I looked down to see I'm still holding the present. I open it slowly and realize that it's a phone! I start to scream like a little kid while giving Hinata a hug. "Oh my gosh! Why would you get me this Hinata?" She shakes her head, "it was fathers idea." She says with a small smile, I see uncle walking out of the kitchen. I run up and hug him thanking him for the present. With that Hinata and I start the day of adventuring until I bump into...

Hahaha! Left y'all with a cliff hanger! I decided to do a Shino fanfic bc there are so few Shino stories!
I know it's not that great but I'll get the ball rolling in the next chapter! Until then thanks for readin!

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