Fighting - 43

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A few days passed and everyone went back to school

In school

You guys were in the gym when all of a sudden you heard the coach yell


And that caught everyone's attention

You look over there and saw Beomgyu and Jaemin charging towards
each other while the coach is trying to stop them

You quickly ran over there and pulled Beomgyu back and Jisung held Jaemin.

Beomgyu was about to charge at Jaemin but you used all you strength to pull him back

Y/n: Beomgyu stop! Please!

Beomgyu: *looks back to you and then to the ground* I'm sorry....

Coach: you 2 go to the principals office-
and Y/n, take Beomgyu to the nurses room first
(Cuz he was bleeding)
Y/n: oh okay..

On the way, it was silent. Beomgyu didn't even look at you, he just looked away.

At the nurses office

Nurse: so what happened?


Y/n: uhm...he fought with someone... '-'

Nurse: okay, now don't worry, it will only sting a bit

She started rubbing alcohol on a q-tip and gently put it on the corner of his mouth.

Beomgyu hissed because of the how much it stings so you held his hand
After a bit, you guys walked out and made you ways to the principal office.

Y/n: *knock knock*

Mrs. Na: come in please

Then Beomgyu walked in and Jaemin walked out
and you were just outside waiting

Mrs. Na: so Beomgyu, could you tell me why you were fighting Jaemin?

Beomgyu: .......

Mrs. Na:......


Mrs. Na: I'm just trying to see what could
I do to help you guys solve this conflict

Beomgyu: ......

Mrs. Na: okay.... *goes out and calls you in*
So uhm Y/n, can you help cuz Beomgyu isn't saying anything '-'

Y/n: oh uhm did you guys fight because of something that the other person say?
*asks Beomgyu*

Beomgyu: *nods*

Mrs. Na: okay good keep going

Y/n: uhm we're you guys fighting because of something in gym?

Beomgyu: *shakes head*

Y/n: why has this become a guessing game- but anyways
Was it because Jaemin said something bad about you?

Beomgyu: *shakes head* no...someone else...

Y/n: who?

Beomgyu: ....

Y/n: it's okay, you can yeah it


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