Detention - 11

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Karina's POV

After we got Giselle and Winter back, we went to the detention room,
which was just basically a normal classroom, with chairs and desks.
So then everyone took a seat then Mrs.Na came in.

Mrs.Na: okay everyone, your detention

Mrs.Na flipped over a hourglass that was labeled 3 hours on it so now
I guess we'll just have to sit around and wait.

-Time skipped-

We were just sitting there, Doyoung spinning a pencil in his hand,
Haechan and Jisung and Chenle playing games,
Mark texting someone, Jeno looking at his phone,
Winter walking around, Giselle reading, NingNing draws on the chalkboard
And me, nothing to do, so then I thought of a great time to ask Jeno a very important question

Karina: Psst, Jenoo

Jeno: huh?

Karina: so, do you know anyone thank you think Y/n would like as boyfriend? *whispers*

Jeno: whuuut? *whispers back*

Karina: do you, know, anyone, that you think, Y/n would like, as a boyfrienddd *whispers a little louder*

Jeno: ohh uhm..*whispers* *thinks*

Haechan: what about me:), I think I'm perfect to be her boyfriend:)

Jeno: .-.

Karina: .-.

Jeno: uh, maybe....not...?

Haechan: *sigh* whatever you say *continues to play his game*

Jeno: uhhh, what about uhm, uh, does age matter?

Karina: uhm how about..

Giselle: 26 for oldest and 16 for youngest:)

Karina: yes, perfect

Jeno: okay, then... *thinks* uhm what about... Heeseung? He's the same age as Y/n or.... Sunghoon? Or uhm....ah, what about WinWin, or Ten, or YangYang? No, not YangYang, uhm Taeyong? Or, Kevin? Juyeon? Ah! Chanhee aka New?

Karina: uhm, how old are they?

Jeno: well Heeseung's the same age as Y/n as I said but uhm, Sunghoon is 1 year younger, WinWin is uh 4 years older and uh Ten is 5 years older and Taeyong is 6 years, Kevin is 3 years older and so is Juyeon,
And lastly, Chanhee is also 3 years older:)

Karina: o-oh okay, uhm that's a lot to remember but thanks! :)

Jeno: no problem (₊◜◡◝)

End of Karina's POV


They were just sitting there until the hour glass has ran out, then, Mrs. Na came in

Mrs. Na: okay everyone, you guys can go know

Then everyone left.

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