"What is going on?" Yuzuha asked Hanma, Sanzu halted and slowly lifted his face, our eyes met and we both awkwardly passed a weak smile to each other.

"You haven't seen the pictures?" Hanma asked Yuzuha, they knew I didn't use Instagram so there was no point but what was on insta?

"No, what is so special about insta today?" yuzuha said under her breath while searching for her phone in her pocket.

"Hi!" sanzu whispered, leaning his body weight on one foot.

"Hey!" I asnwered shyly, rubbing my hands together.

"Hi, hey, guys, there is a storm taking over and you two are being lovey-dovey." stupid Hanma mumbled, Sanzu clenched his jaw at Hanma, who ruined our moment.

"Don't tell me your nudes got leaked," I commented after rolling my eyes at him.

"Worst!" Hanma argued, "You saw them?" he asked Yuzuha, who had her jaw meeting the ground. she seemed shocked as hell.

"Why the fuck, what the fuck!" she cussed loudly, sharing glances with us all.

"Guys don't make a big issue of it." sanzu, who I knew was too good for this world commented, Yuzuha turned the screen towards me and I wish I could just un-see what I saw.

"Whoa! I don't wanna watch them." I looked away quickly, it was disgusting for those who didn't know that Baji and Baji's twin weren't siblings and shocking for those who were seeing personally leaked images.

"Who did that?" I asked I can feel my heart beating fast. last night was she looked so chill with Mikey, I wondered what happened.

"Don't know," Hanma said, Sanzu shrugged.

"Can we talk?" sanzu, who seemed less impressed and invested in this gossip, stepped forward and murmured.

"Sure!" I said, following him as he walked ahead of me. we halted after we were away from the gossiping girls and gasping shocked guys.

"after thinking a lot, I realized what you meant in this text," he stated, looking away from me. he looked for the particular texts he was talking about while I stayed silent, catching my breath.

"this!" he said and showed me two texts.

Mikey 2:
hm, just a sight of him and you already hate me?

well I am not gonna deny that, yeah! his sight is comforting. honestly speaking, I feel better with him than I do with you.

"you thought you were talking to Mikey, and you thought he asked you about Sanzu, so your answer to him was about me?" he asked, one can see that he was scared to hear otherwise. I closed my eyes and sighed in relief, thank goodness, I was so worried that he had taken any text wrongly.

"Yes!" I finally answered and when I looked up, he had his eyes closed and there was a smile on his face. he opened his eyes and smiled at me, I did too, but my cheeks turned red instantly.

"did you cry last night?" I asked, trying to start a conversation as this whole staring thing was making me blush more. plus, I noticed how swollen his eyes were.

"a little," he smiled, gesturing witu his fingers, "you cried!" he stated.

"till my eyes got a little." I joked, smiling like a silly person.

so now what, who was gonna confess first?

"Y/n I---," he stated,

"sanzu I---," we both said in unision and we're intervened by Hanma and Yuzuha running towards us, totally shocked and terrified.

"guys come quick." Yuzuha and Hanma mumbled, they were out of breath and their faces were pale.

"why, what happened?" I asked terrified, one day they were gonna give me a heart attack.

"Baji's twin might have been unaware of these pictures as she came to school today, everyone is surrounding her and bullying her horribly." Yuzuha was shaking badly,  "the worst part is that Mikey is there and he is very pissed." she announced and my heart skipped a beat.

"let's go," Sanzu announced to Hanma and they both rushed ahead, Yuzuha and I followed them. it was going to be a hard day for Baji's twin, I don't care if she was cheating or sleeping or whatever as long as he wasn't her sibling, but nobody deserves this kind of character assassination. the worst part was the Keisuke's never gave her their name, they just hid the whole truth from the world and now she was being crucified for the sins Baji did too.

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