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Everyone was silent, their eyes stock in my face. I gulped and opened my mouth to articulate something, but closed it right away.

"I said something," Mikey repeated himself, dang it was in my imagination. Luckily, I just imagined yelling at him, looking at his sweet face made me realize I did right by staying silent. Baji's twin lifted her eyebrows as my eyes didn't quite stare at Mikey.

"I asked her permission first," I stated, lowering my eyes this time.

"Do you want me to give you a ride?" Baji had a smirk on his face when he mumbled. He had to pitch in.

"No thanks! I can manage." I hated his face, but he was Mikey's friend so I was helpless. I left them behind and walked out of the house, breathing in the fresh air helps.

I called for an Uber to the place Yuzuha asked me to come. I wonder why she left her home and asked me to meet her on the bridge.

As I rolled off from the Uber, I saw Yuzuha standing afar. I rushed in her way and to my surprise, she wasn't alone.

I kept narrowing my eyes to make out the face of the guy which was a dumb move because one can easily spot Sanzu from miles away. The real question is, why the heck were they together?

"Yuzuha?" I approached her and then she ran, taking me in her embrace and crying loudly. "What happened?" I asked, my eyes glaring at Sanzu.

"Woah! Easy with a stare." He said in defense and shook his head in annoyance.

"He won't pick up my calls." Yuzuha didn't let go of me and to comfort her more I hugged her tightly as tears continue to leave her eyes.

"Mikey?" I asked, Sanzu scoffed and shrugged his shoulders like it was that obvious. I have no idea why this guy is here and why Yuzuha so comfortably sharing everything in front of him.

"But what happened between you two?" I inquired, averting my eyes from Sanzu, who was leaning his back on the small wall around the bridge and looking at the sky like someone is waiting for him over there.

"We h---had an organ---argument and he tried to touch me and I pushed him back and he got mad, like who makes out when the argument hasn't died yet." She was much relaxed now that everything has been said. It was like a burden on her chest, once out, she held a grip over herself. My heart sincerely ached for her, he was over there already move on with his ex while my friend was grieving.

"What?" I had nothing else to say, it was pure heartless of Mikey to show her so much affection in one minute, and the other moment he kicked her out of his life. "What were you guys arguing about?" I interrogated, we both were standing face to face. She nervously hugged herself and rubbed her arms, not giving me a stare.

"Just some stuff." She simply didn't want to share and turned her face to the other side, facing Sanzu, who uncomfortably began going through his phone. I roughly glared at him and then blinked my eyes with pressure as I watched Yuzuha again.

"So what are you gonna do now?" I asked her, looking at Sanzu from the corner of my eyes again. Don't ask me why I bothered with his presence. He wasn't guilty in the case of Baji's twin, my annoyance has nothing to do with that and more with just me being petty with him.

"I don't know, but I don't wanna lose him and now he doesn't even care about me. How can someone change overnight?" It wasn't a question for any of us but from herself. She was devastated and upset, I know I would be too. Finally, having Mikey and then losing him would be death to me. Plus, overnight? Yeah, when you have your ex over who hasn't moved on from you.

"What is he doing here?" I asked, changing the subject because I have a lot to comment about the previous night and I didn't wanna hurt her. If things can get normal between her and Mikey that will be great and if I tell her about Mikey hanging out with Baji's twin again, the chances of them getting back together will possibly go thin and I would never want her in pain so it was better to not add fire to the fuel.

HE'S MINE Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora