Chapter 2: "My what?!"

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"Waaaa waaaaa waaaa!" the baby wailed and felt so scared and wanted his mother to hold him again. It was so cold and he felt his body getting very cold from the cold ground he was on.

As he cried the detective heard him and walked over and his eyes widen and he took the baby into his arms and rocked him back and forth while shushing him in a soothing voice.

Suddenly the detective saw a envelope sticking out from the folds from the blanket and he shifted the baby in his arms and grabbed the envelope and carefully tore it open.

'My dearest detective Almond Cookie, please look after your son, his name is Coffee Bean Cookie or Bean for short~' "my what?!" Almond suddenly screamed in shock.

This made the baby wake up and wail hard and Almond jumped and lightly bounced the baby and he calmed down and looked at Almond with his bright blue eyes.

"Oh boy~" Almond whispered and he looked for a name from the mother or anything left by the baby's mother but found nothing. This was very suspicious of that to happen and he wondered why.

He tucked the letter away and carried the baby back to his home where his daughter and her babysitter and his friend Espresso were waiting for quite a while now.

"You think my daddy is ok?" A little girl cookie who wanted to be a detective like her dad named Walnut asked her dad's friend with a worried sigh and her expression looked worried too.

"I'm sure he'll be back soon" Espresso said and he patted her head and they saw him walking to them and Walnut suddenly perked up "he's home!" She ran to the door as he stepped in.

"Daddy! I missed you!" She shouted "yes yes honey I missed you too but please stop being loud you'll-" the bundle in his arms suddenly stired and wailed. "Wake up the baby~" Almond sighed.

"Baby? What baby?" Espresso said walking over. "This one" Almond said and he uncovered the baby's face and the baby stopped crying and reached for Almond's hand.

"Awww it's so cute daddy...are we gonna find their mom and dad?" Walnut asked as she pulled out her magnifying glass. "Uh actually honey this little guy is ours~" Almond mumbled.

"What?! How?!" Walnut said in shock. "Uh...I'll tell you when you're older" this made Walnut groaned in frustration. "But daddy~" she whined "no buts" Almond suddemly said firmly.

This shut her up immediately and nodded as the baby whimpered and his stomach growled. "Ok little Bean I'll get you something to eat" Almond nodded and he went into the kitchen.

This made the other two follow as he looked around for a old baby bottle from a cabinet and he filled it up with some formula as the baby kicked in frustration and fussed.

"Shhh shh~ I know, I know~" Almond whispered as he filled up a pot with water and put the bottle inside and waited for the bottle to warm up with a tired and concerned expression.

"Can I help daddy?" Walnut asked and she held her arms up for the baby. "Sure honey thank you so much~" Almond said with a smile and he kissed her head and gently put the baby in her arms.

This made Bean look at his sister in curiosity and Walnut smiled. "I promise I'll be the best big sister ever" she whispered softly to him. "Ba~" Bean cooed and smiled softly at her.

This made Walnut smiled and hugged him softly as the bottle was done and Almond let her feed him and soon he was fast asleep and Almond had to made a place for him...but where?

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