Sweets - Ranpo x male reader (Bungo Stray Dogs)

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A/N: This one-shot is gonna be pretty long but I love Ranpo so he deserves a pretty long scenario. Enjoy!


   I woke up and I immediately felt the empty space next to me. I checked the time and it was 10:23 am. 

Sheesh, either I woke up late or he left early.

   I sat on the edge of the bed and stretched my back. I  got out and went downstairs. I saw bacon and eggs on a plate covered in plastic wrap. There was a sticky note on it that reads:

   I went to the agency early. I wish I was there to give you a morning kiss when you wake up but I was needed in the office early. I'll convince Kunikida-san to come out early because you know how he is. I've decided that we can have our date night tonight. I love you so much and I'll see you later :)

                                                                                                                                                                            Love, Ran <3

   I smiled at the cute note and warmed up the plate in the microwave. I realized what a great partner, detective, and hard worker he is. I decided that I wanted to do something nice for him. After eating my breakfast I washed my dishes and put on some outdoor clothes. I brushed my hair and my teeth. I grabbed my phone and searched up the nearest bakery. It's a couple of minutes nearby so I decided ill walk there and take the train to the agency. I put on my shoes and grabbed my keys and exited the apartment. I locked the door and turn on the navigation to the nearest bakery.


   I saw the bakery coming to my peripheral vision and made my way to the entrance. I opened the door and was greeted with a  nice smell of pastries and coffee. I saw a nice old woman at the register who just exited the kitchen.

Register Lady: Ohayo. How are you? My my, is this your first time here! 

"Ohayo and yes I just learned about this place and I'm here to get my partner something"

Register Lady: Ahh young love. They must be a very special person to you

"Yea they really are, just thinking of him gives me butterflies"

Register Lady: That's so sweet I remember when I married my husband. It was love at first sight when we met. He was a gentleman and he treats me very well. I know your partner will do the same to you

"Thank you, ma'am"

Register Lady: Now let me think of something perfect for him 

   She started to look at the menu and started browsing the desserts.

Register Lady: Ah~! here

   She pointed at a picture of very delicious-looking chocolate eclairs. My mouth watered just by looking at it.

Register Lady: Do you think he'll like them?

"Yes, he'll love them! They look amazing can I get an order of those and a strawberry shortcake please?"

Register Lady: Of course! I'll be right back with them you take a seat somewhere and ill call for your order


   I took a seat that the nearest table and scrolled through my phone looking at the news and the weather. Turns out it'll stay pretty windy today which I don't mind the cold. After a few minutes..

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