part 1 : a killer

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Warning : sensitive topic,murder, gore, blood
third person POV

At school in cafetaria this timeline at lunch and raib, seli, ali is together

"Hey have you heard about the news" said seli

"no i haven't" said raib

"here" said seli and took phone out of her jacket and a news about 9 people died

"there is a killer in this city" said seli with tone her voice scared

"hmm this is so strange if i remember there is a news about someone killed almost every singe day and about dead bodies is more then or less then 10 and the maximum 50 and this is the five month of this i think is 350 dead" said ali

"Yeah it's pretty weird and the blood is all over the body, some the people that are killed the organs is missing, and there is no footstep in the area of the killing in this news a-and how the killer can kill that many person in one day i-it's like someone from other world who do it" said seli with tone her voice scared

"if this person from other world this is very dangerous to other clan" said raib

"yes i agree, we should inform this to other clans" said ali

"yes i agree" said raib and seli

"alright meet at my basement at" said ali

After school at in ali's bedroom

Ali's POV

"I should've hide the body but whatever i already hide my trace" i said in the bed with a mad tone and try to calm down,

"i going hide my outfitt for killing and my weapon before raib and seli come here" said ali

After i said that i coughing but not to loong or short. I get up form the bed and hiding his outfitt, weapon, mask in secret room on the basement i go to my bedroom

"i wonder if they find out about me being the killer probably they will be shock, do they will hate me?" I said

At 16:40 in outside of ali's home

third person POV

"We want to meet ali" said raib and seli

"farewell then ali is in basement" said the guard

"thank you" said seli

In basement at 16:58

"Open the door ali" raib said

"the door is not locked" ali said

raib and seli open the door

"now let's tell this to other clans " raib said

"Alright" ali said , and he click the button to communitaced with other clans

"Hello there raib, seli and the genius ali" said Av

"Is there something wrong in the earth clan" said selena

"Yes there is something wrong the thing is there is a killer, here is the news" said seli

Seli show the news and ali tell about the research that he found

"This is very shocking news" panglima tog with a shocked face

"Indeed it was the organs the body is missing and it's been 5 month" said The sun clan council chief

"A-are you guys okay did you hurt" said faar with worried face

"No we are not" said raib

"That's great" said Ilo with relief face

"Thank you for the info" said av

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