"I, Yan Qi Hua, take you to be my spouse, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward, not even death, can do us part..."

When Qi Hua recited the vow, he was looking at Rui Yue with full of affection, that it made Rui Yue moved to tears. Qi Hua quickly wiped off Rui Yue's tears before it could slide down to Rui Yue cheek. Seeing Rui Yue like that, Qi Hua couldn't help but to tease him.

"Don't cry... It's your turn now, to express how much you love me."

Rui Yue blushed and he was nervous, worried that he will recite wrong things during the vow, but Qi Hua clasped on his hand, squeezing it gently, silently gave him some encouragement. With the encouragement from Qi Hua, Rui Yue was able to recite the vow smoothly as he looked at Qi Hua shyly.

Like Qi Hua, Rui Yue changed the 'Till death do us part' to 'Not even death, can do us part'. He doesn't want to get separated from Qi Hua after death. If there is next life, he hopes that they will still be together again.

"I, Xie Rui Yue, take you to be my spouse, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward, not even death, can do us part..."

Qi Hua smiled proudly upon hearing Rui Yue's vow and he happily put the custom-made wedding band that was embedded with dark blue and red diamond onto Rui Yue's ring finger while whispering. "You're mine forever, and not allowed to leans over the wall*, understand?"

Rui Yue smiled and whispered back. "Then I will be like a leech and stuck to you forever."

The priest cleared his throat and he then declared in a joking manner. "I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may now continue your flirtation."

Without wasting time, Qi Hua kissed Rui Yue passionately. One of Qi Hua's friend stood up and cheered. "Nice!!!" And he gave them a round of loud applause.

The guests whom present too, cheered as they stood up and gave them applauses after witnessing the exchange between the pair. Their wedding was broadcasted in the news and was viewed by the entire nation. Qing Yao, who was currently in prison too, get to watch the news. It happened to be the leisure time in the prison, and she was hogging the TV and sofa as usual. The other inmates who want to watch TV could only sit on the chair to watch, as the best place was monopolized by the newcomer.

When she saw the short footage of the wedding ceremony, she become agitated that she screamed in anger and hurled the remote control to the TV as hard as she could, instantly damaged the TV. Other inmates who already dissatisfied with this newcomer that just came in few months ago, who hogged the TV and sofa, now damaged their only TV, instantly got angry with her manner that they started to surround her, one of the inmates slapped her hard and she begun to scream hysterically.

"You slapped me?! How dare you!"

"Slapped you so what?! Who asked you to damage the TV?! Now what are we going to watch? You bitch!" One of the inmates said.

"Newcomer like you dare to act like a bossy here! Who do you think you are, to monopolize the TV and sofa huh?! It's not yours!"

"Why can't I?! It's not yours either!" Qing Yao argued back.

What Qing Yao had just said, had angered the inmates who surrounded her that they start to hit and scratched her. "You think you are pretty, that's why you can do whatever you want? Dream on!"

Originally the fight was just between the inmates who watched the TV and Qing Yao, but soon, it got escalated to group who was playing the pool nearby. Qing Yao who wanted to protect herself, blindly pushed one of her attackers away, that attacker lost her footing and crashed to the pool table, instantly messed up the current game. That caused the inmates who were playing the pool got angry, that they too, joined in to beat Qing Yao and Qing Yao no longer had any chance to fend for herself. She can only let herself get beaten until they are satisfied.

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