
Athena hurriedly pulled her dress down, adjusting the tight, silk material as she rushed out of her room, Stefan right behind her with a particularly tight shirt on and a pair of jeans that Athena described with less-than-appropriate language.

As the goddess went down the stairs, Bonnie joined her, stepping out from her bedroom with a dress similar to Athena's, except in a pale lilac shade that made her bronze skin glimmer prettily. The witch smiled crookedly, and Athena grinned back, locking her arm with Bonnie's as they continued down the stairs to where the rest of the partygoers were waiting.

"So, what's the status update on the birthday girl?" Stefan threw his arm around Athena's shoulders, his green eyes alight as he looked at the witch.

"She's less than a mile away,"

Athena's eyes widened and she looked at the large crowd of her classmates all talking amongst themselves. She lifted her hand to her mouth and whistled through her fingers, easily silencing all of them.

"Listen up! Caroline's almost here, and if a single one of you ruins this surprise because you couldn't shut up, I'm going to rip your tongue out and feed it to you!"

The crowd tensed at her threat and she smiled sweetly, though the gleam in her eyes proved that she wasn't exaggerating in the slightest.

"Awesome," She looked around the room, gesturing to Damon at the far end of the hallway near the kitchen. "Damon, lights!"

The blue-eyed vampire nodded and dimmed the lights, managing to still look uncomfortable at the number of teenagers in his house despite his contentedness to celebrate Caroline.

Stefan lifted his head, his sharp ears catching the slam of Caroline's car door as she arrived. He nudged Athena, who tensed in anticipation and shushed everyone once more.

"She's here, everybody shut up!"

A voice echoed through the crowd. "How do you know she's–"

"Marcus, I swear to god, I'll take your tongue right now," Athena glared at the boy she shared a chemistry class with, watching the fear shine in his eyes.

They all quieted, the jingle of her keys slotting into the door making them all collectively hold their breath.

Athena let out a quiet, anxious breath that earned a reassuring squeeze from Stefan at her side that calmed her instantly.

"Athena? Stefan? I swear to god if you guys are–"


Caroline jumped in shock, her keys and bag falling to the ground as the lights brightened, illuminating the sea of familiar faces standing before her. She's frozen into speechlessness, but when she catches sight of Athena standing on the last few stairs with Stefan and Bonnie on either side of her, she finally lets out a laugh.

Everyone cheers when she begins to laugh, and she watches in delight as Athena makes her way through the parting crowd that moves out of her way almost fearfully. When she reaches Caroline, she immediately wraps her in a tight hug and Caroline's eyes warm with tears as she embraces the goddess.

"I take it you like the surprise?"

Caroline scoffs incredulously, pulling back to look at Athena. "You know I do," She shakes her head, still in shock. "How did you even do all of this?"

"Oh, you know," Athena shrugged, grinning as she tucked the blonde's curled hair behind her ears. "A few minor threats, and promises of free booze."

Caroline laughed again, shaking her head at the typical Athena-like manner of her words. "Jesus, Athena, I don't even know what to say. This is totally unfair, you know? We didn't even celebrate your birthday this year,"

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