𝙲𝚑𝚙𝚝 𝟷𝟻: Breaking minds

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"Fuck, fuck!"

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't fucking touch him!"

"I didn't mean to! I'm so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry dad!"


Rias was in the ORC room and was handling papers she was getting stressed out so she threw the papers on the ground. "This shit is pissing me off." She mumbles to herself.

Everyone was in classes today so she decided to just do the work once she had help around. "I'll just go for a walk." She gets up from her office desk and leaves the room as she was leaving the feeling of dread and discomfort overwhelmed her.

Rias: why doesn't this feel right.

Rias exits the ORC club and continued to walk then she remembered she forgot her bag in the office. "I'll go get it later." She continued walking as she hummed down the halls when all of the sudden the speaker for the announcements turn on.

"We are in lockdown. I repeat we are in lockdown."

Rias: oh god. What's going on?- wait did I say god....


"You have sinned, rias. You know what you must do."

She grabbed a knife and slit her throat open
She smiled while doing it enjoying every second of it.


Rias exits the ORC club and continued to walk then she remembered she forgot her bag in the office. "I'll go get it later." She continued walking as she hummed down the halls when all of the sudden the speaker for the announcements turn on.

"We are in lockdown. I repeat we are in lockdown."

Rias: better get to sona. I can wait there until this is over.

She ran to the counselor room and opened the door she then was greeted with all of them dead and in fazbear suits rias vomited she couldn't believe her eyes.


Rias's hair begins to lift into the hair as her destructive aura surrounded her turning the entire room red. "I'm going to kill them!" she turned to leave and opened the door and was surprised when she ended up inside the ORC club. "How is this possible?" She questioned.

Koneko: what's happening? why are we in lockdown?

Rias: how did I get here?!

Rias looked at behind her and saw that the entrance to the ORC club was gone. "Aww, this poor thing seems to be so confused. I think she saw her friends dead." Issei said in a sinister voice.

Akeno: oh, really? That's to bad.

Rias looks at her peerage worried. "Someone tell me what's going on." She looks at kiba and he summons one of his swords and smirks.

Kiba: why president, isn't it obvious, this is a crime scene... and your the victim.

Rias: wha-

Kiba dashes forward and stabs Rias through the chest kiba then takes the sword out and that's when issei comes out from behind and does a spin kick knocking Rias across the room and smashing into a table.


Koneko grabbed a knife and stabs Rias in the leg repeatedly until her leg is chopped off. "AHGH!" She screamed in pain she didn't know why her friends were doing this to her.

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