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(the oc girls name was "IDK" until like five seconds before I posted this

cuddles and kisses <3

I think this will be the last fic before the chatfic? That might not come out for a little be tho,
anyone got prompts for scenes?

My platonic wife was freaking out about this girl they like which was adorable ty v much)

Five weeks after Step One

Three weeks after Step Two

Two weeks after Step Three

Uhhhh Saturday who likes school

Arlo and John were laying on Arlo's bed, half asleep, sometime around noon. This became a common occurrence, the two of them deciding that sleeping in beds by themselves was overrated, and more often than not they ended up at Arlo's house.

Blyke still had no idea who his roommate was, weeks later, and John liked seeing him suffer as he read through the group chat texts. He had been purposely avoiding using the connected bathroom when he knew Blyke would go in, and tried to leave the dorm at a different time, and so far, Blyke was still in the dark about his dormmate.

Arlo was curled up against John (adorably, if you're wondering), tightly holding him, face buried in John's chest. John was texting one of his new friends, a mid tier Kaelyn, trying not to move too much to wake Arlo up, seeing as how he barely seems to know the word sleep. He had met the girl in one of his classes a few days ago, and she seemed really nice.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Kaelyn: hey do you wanna hang out today??

John: sure! What time?

Kaelyn: we could meet rn

John: oh sorry im with arlo were cuddling and he hasn't woken up :((

Kaelyn: just wake him up then!

John: nah he needs his sleep

John: ill telll you when he wakes up, tho

Kaelyn: alright :/

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

He frowned slightly, at her text. He didn't know a single mid tier who would say to "Just wake the King of Wellston up". Just then, as John was slowly setting his phone back down, Arlo stirred.

"Hey sunshine." John whispered.

Arlo blinked his eyes open, bending his neck slightly to look at John, a soft drowsy smile on his face.

John's face warmed.

The blond slowly extracted himself from him, still shaking off sleep. "What time is it?"

John thought for a sec. "Um...11:48."

His eyes widened. "That late!? John, why didn't you wake me!?" He scrambled out of bed.

John shrugged, sitting up. "You were peaceful, and I know you haven't gotten proper sleep."

Arlo sighed, still standing up and John desperately wished he would just lay back down. "I had important King duties I had to do."

"At the cost of your well being?"

"Sometimes, yes, greater sacrifices need to be made."

John huffed, scooting over and tugging Arlo, trying to get him back in bed. "Nothing is more important than you." Hearing a buzz, he turned to his phone, missing the bright blush of the other boy.

How To Get The C̶r̶i̶p̶p̶l̶e̶ Very Able Human To Marry Me: A Series By ArloWhere stories live. Discover now