I met Priyanka and Samay near college office and we went to canteen to talk about our future plans. Pri being my guardian angel decided to opt MSc. in Physics at JSS. She wasn't a nerdy kid like me but always scored well even after studying at the last moment. I wonder how her brain manages to work so well at the crisis moment. Samay was planning to join MBA in SDM Mysore and probably stay in hostel till he finishes his studies.

" One way its better if he stays away from you. May be you guys will stop fighting since you can't meet daily. "
I looked at the couple in front of me.
" We have discussed this long back Nidhu, I don't think there will be a problem. He is still a call away from me and we can meet whenever we want. So we can manage. Also I am bored of looking at this monkey's face all day long. I can get some freedom once he leaves "
She was laughing at him.

" Nidhu, can you take care of this hyperactive girl of mine? Make sure she doesn't flirt with anyone there. I can't afford finding a new girlfriend now "
Samay was acting like he is leaving to some other country while in reality his college was hardly 20 minutes from ours. These people in love are extremely dramatic sometimes.
" Don't worry Monkey. Even if I ogle at any boy in the campus for time pass, I won't cheat on you. You are like Maggi in my life, irreplaceable and constant"
I couldn't hold back my laughter after listening to her comparisons.
" At least be little bit respectful while comparing. He deserves better"
I spoke as I looked at sulking Samay.
" Whatever. Its decided now, I will continue my studies with my bestie. Lets enjoy the next two years completely before we start running from 9 to 5 "
She spoke with her extra chirpy voice. We cheered with our sprite bottles to celebrate the moment.

I went back home and talked to Amma and Ajji about the college selection and they were ok with it. I wanted to speak to Appa about this but he didn't even mind my existence at dinner table. Still, I announced my decision and he didn't reply anything. Next day I went to JSS with Pri to collect the applications. They asked us to apply for government quota for affiliated college through university since our grades were good. So we both went to Mysore university and applied in our respective departments. We both had counseling in a week where we can complete our admission process.

My fee was around 45k since it was a merit seat. So combining the amount collected by Amma and Ajji's jewels, we had the amount in hand. Still I was feeling a bit bad that we had to pledge her jewels. I promised her to get it back once I receive my scholarships. Amma was with me during counseling and everything went smoothly. We came back home and Ajji and Shrey congratulated me. Appa still continued to give cold shoulder to me so I had no options but to stay silent.

Our classes were scheduled from July 15th. I still had 15 days for the reopening, those 15 days were spent in visiting temples with Ajji, learning to cook complicated dishes with Amma and completing assignments of Shrey. Appa gradually started talking to me towards the beginning of my college. Finally everything was falling into place again and fortunately Shaalini aunty didn't visit us more often nowadays.

My classes began the very next day of reopening and the faculty was easy to approach and friendly. I loved the vast collection of books in the library and the ambience of the college. The labs were modernly equipped and each day was a great experience of learning for me.

Unlike my degree college, here we had free hours after classes and I spent them usually in library. Since my home was near to the college, travelling in bus was convenient for me. Me and Pri would meet everyday and we had our own gossip sessions where I usually served as audience. Samay would sometimes come to our campus to meet his dear Pri and we three would hang out during our free time.

One month in JSS went quiet quickly since we were all adapting to the new environment. Labs and assignments as usual consumed our time, still life was less stressful after joining PG classes. Things at home were back to normal and Appa finally brought back all the jewels Ajji had pledged.

I went to college as usual on a Monday morning and I met Pri on the way to my classes. She dragged me to the staircase as she had some fresh and spicy gossip for the day.
" It better be something useful Pri. I have my classes in 40 minutes and you know how much our faculty values time"
I warned her beforehand so she can finish her nonsense early.

" Nidhu, our batch is bloody lucky one. We have new recruitments in all the departments. That too... Young and energetic lecturers. I'm sure it will be a visual treat to watch them"
"Pri... For god sake you're committed. Stop drooling over other men. Samay might start sulking if he hears your words. "
" Come-on Nidhu, I'm just appreciating some good looking creatures but I won't go around flirting with every boy I meet. Crushing on lecturers is a basic thing in student life. You should come out of your shell and explore life girl, I can't let you live under the rock forever"
" Whatever "
I wasn't interested in her cliché explanations.
" Ok forget about other lecturers. We have a new member in Chemistry department. Since it's your department, you need to know about him anytime soon. So it's better to be updated"
" Even if I don't want to listen, you will blabber everything. So please do the honors "
I sat down on the steps as she started her extra long speech about the new entry.

" So as I told you its from chem department.
Name : Dr. Chiranth Rao
Age : just 26
Height : 5' 11"
Weight : 70kgs
Physique : Perfectly drool worthy.
He is also an alumnus of JSS and worked as professor during his PhD period in Mysore university, owns a Suzuki Swift, family lives in Chamrajnagar and he is the only son of the family.
Coming to facial features ....
Eyes: Chocolate brown
Hair : Jet black and silky
Lips : Highly kissable
Jawline : Sharper than knife
You know what the best part is......
He is still single "
She panted after her long speech and I looked at her with complete confusion.

" You look like a complete creepy stalker right now. How on earth did you gather all these nonsense information though? "
" We have sources baby girl, he is yet to join and already half of the college signed up for his fan club. You lucky lad will be able to meet him almost every day. I envy you... "
" Geez...Shut up Pri. He is my lecturer and not some piece of meat that you all started drooling already. But with your explanation he must be looking like a runway model. What on earth made him to decide becoming a lecturer though? I am really curious"
" See... you just heard about him and you're already curious about him. I think you might fall in love with him once he enters your class. Finally my nerdy girl will find something to enjoy in her life"
"Stop it Pri. I'm curious about his thoughts not his looks. Wipe your drool and go to your class. I need to be in my class before the lecture begins "
We both parted ways and went to our respective classes.

In spite of all the odds, Shrindhi finally managed to find a path towards her dreams.
But who knows what's ahead?

Graduated With Love Where stories live. Discover now