If You Can't Take the Heat...

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Chris: "Last time on Total Drama Island... Our competitors became hunters. And the hunted. Owen's game was way off. And when he finally caught wind of his prey, he totally blew it. And Cody made a new friend who quickly beat the crap out of him. Can anyone say medivac? In a weird and strangely watchable twist, Leshawna, Lindsay, Beth, and Heather turn their paintball guns on each other. It was a full-on wrasse for dominance among the females of The Gopher Squad and the Gophers were sent to the bonfire. In the end, however, it was Cody who got the shaft. The Gophers are still the underdogs. Can they bounce back? Or is their goose finally cooked? Find out tonight on Total. Drama. Island!"

[Theme song]

Geoff: [snoring]


DJ: [within sleep] "Hello!"

Duncan: [groans] [breathing heavily] [sniffs] [gags] "Ugh!"

DJ and Geoff: [laughing]

Duncan: "Not cool, Harold, man! Not cool!"

Duncan: "Oh right! You're always leaving your gitch lying around!"

Harold: "No, I'm not! Gosh!"

Geoff: "Uh, yeah you are, dude."

Harold: "You have like, absolutely no proof."

Geoff: "No one else wears that kind, dude."

DJ: "And your mom sewed your name onto the label."

Harold: "Whatever. I'm going for a shower!"

Duncan: "Hey, don't forget to clean the skid maker! I think Harold needs to be taught a lesson, boys. Who's with me?"

DJ, Duncan, and Geoff: "Yeah!"

[birds squaws]

Chris: "Today's challenge will test your minds, your teamwork, and your skills in the kitchen! You'll be cooking a three-course meal and serving it to me for tasting. The winners get a reward and the losers will send somebody home. Each team will appoint a head chef to create the theme of the meal and oversee the cooking. To cook, you need ingredients. Every morning, a truck brings us food. Today's task starts there."

[dolphin squeaks]

[doors creak]

Geoff: "We could do a killer Italian theme!"

Duncan: "Hello, head chef!"

Geoff: "Seriously? Then let's get grabbin'!"

Heather: "Head chef! Called it! [to Beth] Try not to screw up this time, okay?"

Beth: [gasps]

Leshawna: "Just ignore her, girl."


Heather:  I had to take the leadership role. Hello, we're on a losing streak. And really, everyone else on the team is pretty useless.


Geoff: "Sweet. Let's hit the road!"

Heather: "Leshawna, mangoes. Beth, pineapples. Lindsay, macadamias. Trent, molasses. Gwen, tomatoes."

~With the Killer Bass~

Geoff: "Okay. We've got like, three courses and six people. So everybody partner up!"

DJ: "I know how to make pasta sauce!"

Bridgette: "I know how to boil pasta!"


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