Chapter 1 - Running

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My feet pounded furiously against the parched forest floor. Dry leaves crunching with every step I took. I heard the nightmarish moans from the resurrected dead, ringing through the air like an alarm bell. The sound I was trying to run from. The monsters I was trying to run from. But it seemed like there was no escape.

My name is Saskia Claymond. I'm 26 and really wishing I wasn't alone right now. I have grey/blue eyes that have a similar colour to the ocean (so I've been told) and have long orange hair that's currently scraped back in a tight pony tail. I've never been the outgoing type. Quite the opposite actually. I'm usually reserved and I keep my head down. Although I will defend a decision if I believe it's the right thing to do. I can handle knives quite well, I've become accustomed to them since the dead decided to rise. I'm fairly good with a gun after my father, if I can even call him that, taught me briefly. It was enough to keep me going this far.

My father wasn't the best parent, let's just get that clear. My mother died when I was 4, me being too young to properly remember. It broke my fathers heart and turned it cold in the process. His love ran out including his love towards me, and hate became it's replacement. He started his abuse towards me when I was about 8 years old and never stopped until I left home at 18. I haven't spoken to him in 8 years although I can never forget him thanks to the scars he has littered across my pale skinned body. I have no clue what happened to him when this "dead rising" madness took place a few months ago, and frankly I don't care. He can rot in hell for all its worth. My love for him ran out along time ago just like his did with me.

A clearing with a road running straight through it came into view. As I looked down the long stretch of tarmac I saw masses of deserted cars. Before the dead could emerge from the trees I scrambled over to a car, grasping at the handle of the boot, hoping to find an empty trunk. As the lid sprung open I saw my prayers had been answered and crawled inside the relatively clean trunk and carefully shut the rusty lid behind me.

All I could do now was wait. And just hope that those decaying monsters hadn't seen where I hid.

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