Chp 10

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Chp 10

9/22/23: Clearly some idiots can't read! For those of you not leaving me stupid questions or statements thank you! I made this a year ago so CLEARLY it won't have canon events for Fizzarolli you dumbass. 

Trigger warning MENTION of SA.


"Oh Satan I did not mean to do all that." I complain to myself as I walk off the stage. A stage hand gave me a tissue so I can wipe my tears away. They praise me for a wonderful show before leaving. I was wondering the back seeing if I could spot Fizz but I didn't see him like I hope I did. Great. I knew that song was going to cause a shift in our already fragile relationship. Soon slow clapping caught my attention I turn to see the host as he made his way over to me. Ugh, not him.

"Brava! That was such a grand display! You must be so proud." I gave a shy shrug as I kept looking around hoping to see Fizz.

"Thank you. You by chance haven't seen the gentlemen I was with back here, Have you?" I ask the host not interested in his praises.

"Oh the one with the jester hat? Yeah I saw him leaving a while ago. Seemed like he was in a hurry." The host informs. My heart squeeze, so he did leave. I oh softly looking to ground, I knew I shouldn't have brought him.

"Oh don't be sad. Just stay here, relax! After the show I can take you for a drink, to take the edge off." Not this again. I straighten my posture as I look at the host with cold eyes.

"No thank you." Short and sweet hopefully he will get. I needed to get out of here. Should I call Asmedous? Probably not. I couldn't call Blitz either. Fuck.

"Miss I have been patient. A drink with me wouldn't kill ya." The host says through his teeth as he yanks my wrist hard. This fucker.

"And I have been equally as patient with you. I said no, so let me fucking go!" I slap him across the face hard causing him to stumble back. I am in no mood to be hassle like this.

"You bitch." Was he could say before raising his hand at me. I quickly slip my heel off ready to dig the sharp end into his eye. Then a large Bouquet of flowers knock the hosts down onto the floor. The bundle of flowers kept beating the host to a pulp. What the?

"The lady said no you low life fucktard." Fizzarolli spoke up as he Continued his assault.

"Ollie." I gape happily seeing him here. He didn't leave!

"You are fucking lucky this is her big night or I would have skinned ya alive." The jester threatens dangerously as he gave a final blow with the flowers. He kick the host upside the head before stepping over him to stand in front of me.

"Are you ok doll?" Fizz asks me concern covering his words. Talk about mood swing. My eyes soften as I nod.

"Yeah, I'm doing better now. Where did you go?" I question his momentary absent. Fizz rubs the back of his neck as he raises what was left of the large bouquet.

"I went to get the flowers Asmedous got for ya. I wanted to surprise ya when you got back stage. I got a bit lost finding my way back. Then I saw this jackass." Fizz hiss kicking his leg back hitting the host on the side.

"When he grabbed you, I wanted to kill the son of a bitch. He better consider himself lucky, fuckin bitch wouldn't have a chance." I gather up the rest of flowers from his hands and held them close to my chest. Oh this was so sweet! I smile widely as I jump in Fizzarolli's arms.

"Thank you Ollie. Thank you for the flowers and thank you for being here. Can we please go home?" I say as I buried my face in his neck. Fizzarolli smiles as he wraps his arms around my frame keeping me close.

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