Part 15

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Hello! These are cute little snips of F/N being pregnant! In different POV. I know switching will be annoying but my attention span is nonexistent.


You are sitting in the doctors office spacing out at the red walls. You simply came to confirm the baby's health but now your world was flipped upside down from what the doctor told you. She told you, you are having twins. TWINS. You have two children to push out! You weren't event sure if you were ready to pop one out now you got two on the way. This was highly unexpected. You leaned back against the chair soaking in the information. Fuck this is going to be hell. You glance down at the ultrasound staring at the two begins growing inside you. Gently you put your hand on your round belly humming to yourself. After a while the idea of having a second child didn't scare you as much. You weren't unhappy about it, just surprise. And she knew her boys would be over the moon about having a second child. so that was not a concern at all. A smile graces your lips as you stand up to go home.

"Alrighty then, lets go surprise your daddy and papa." Deciding to take the long way by catching the train, you finally made your way back home. You slip off your shoes at the front door and exchange them for slippers. Ahh so much cozier.

"Hello anyone home?" You call out entering your home. Instantly you could hear large foot steps coming from upstairs making their way to you.


"DOLL!" Momo and Ollie cried out, obviously happy to see you. The large demon wore a fluffy robe as rushes down the stairs. Fizzarolli is on his left shoulder, his face covered in a green mud mask and in robe as well. It didnt take long for them to reach me as Momo kneels in front of me.

"How was it? You took longer than expected. You said twenty minutes., why didnt you call to reopen the portal?" Momo complains as he lowers his palms allowing me to step on his open palms. You giggle softly when he presses hi cheek against mines. Oh the big worry wart.

"Yeah mama we were getting worried! Did anything happen? Is the baby fine?" Fizzarolli questions you as he inspects your body for any cuts or bruises. Your rolled your (e/c) eyes as you snatch your arm from Fizzarolli's grasp. Ok these two need to relax. It wasn't her fault they couldn't come.

"Well you boys would know what happen if you two didn't acted up on my first appointment resulting you two from being banned until the babies are born." Oh fuck, you didn't mean to let the surprise slip out like that. You only hope they didnt catch it.

"Well if it wasn't for that fucking doctor being closed minded about our relationship I wouldn't have ripped her a new on-" Momo gently covers Fizzarolli mouth from his rant as he gazes down at you with wide green eyes.

"Wait what? Kitten did you say babies? As in plural?" Asmodeus asks softly. This caught Fizzarolli's attention as his eyes too widen in anticipation. Well cats out of the bag. You reach into your purse a pull out two ultrasound photos of two fetuses.

"We are having twins." You say quietly trying to hold in the tears of joy. Ollie quickly grab a phot while Momo grab the other.

"No fucking way, holy shit! Asmodeus there's two fucking kids! Twins! We're gonna have twins!" Fizzarolli celebrate by bouncing in place as tears swell up in his eyes. The jester launches off and begin pin balling around the mansion as he cheers in excitement. Momo instantly began to place loving kisses on your cheeks and lips.

"You are truly a gift that keeps on giving kitten." Awe. Your heart melted at his sentiment. You whisper a thank you before returning his affections holding him in a passionate kiss. Once Fizzarolli calm down he scoops you up securing you in his arms before twirling you around in circles.

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