Chp 3

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Chp 3



Blitz shouts as he kicks the staff lounge door down spooking his coworkers and daughter in the process.

"You mean THE PISS awards? Where they only exclusively invite famous people?" Millie ask as she sipped her coffee.

"Yes!" Was his only response as he rocked on his heels and toes. Moxxie raised a finger as he spoke up.

"Sir, the probability of us going to the PISS awards are zero. We aren't well know enough to be invited and we can't even afford one ticket let alone 4. So how in heaven are we getting in?" Moxxie questions not in the mood to be sneaking into places they shouldn't be. Again. Blitz look at Moxxie with a long blank stare not saying a peep. It was unnerving.

"Moxxie I'm gonna level with ya, I didn't hear a single fucking thing you said nor do I give a fuck."

Blitz then whips out 4 VIP tickets from behind his back flashing the golden tickets to his peers.

"To answer your question Mills, yes they do only invite uptight snobby fuckers to these shindigs but I just so happen to be BFF with the opening act. Obscure Heart!" Loona finally tunes in to the conversation at the mention of one of her favorite singer. Her ears pointed up as she glares at Blitz in disbelief.

"No fucking way! You know Obscure?!" Blitz place his hands on his hips as he lean forward for dramatic effect.

"Yes I do. And you would have known that if you came home last night!" He shouts like a baby.

"She was at our house!?"

"How do you know so many celebrities?" Moxxie pipes back in genuinely confused.

"Look it's a long story and I rather not get into now. All you idiots need to know is we were childhood friends that lost touch, ok? Glad we had this talk, now let's go to the PISS AWARDS!"

"FUCK YES!" Millie shouts in excitement as she grabs Moxxie by the hand ready to go home to get all doll up for the award show! Loona stands up and follows Blitz out the room still texting on her phone.

"I'm considering this my birthday gift since the last gift you gave me was a box of fucking spiders." She informs Blitz.

"Sounds good to me!"


"Obscure you have visitors." One of the body guards informed me. I was currently having my revealing skin tight outfit fitted for the show. I carefully turn around and saw Blitz and his friends walk through the door. Oh thank Satan! I felt like I was gonna vomit all day!

"Blitz and friends! Thank you for coming!" I say nervously as I wave my hands to get my nervous out.

"Whoa Damn (N/N) you're a real fucking knock out! My, my how you've grown~" he purrs as his eyes traces the curves of my figure.

"Keep it in your pants B, now are you going to introduce me to your friends or not?"I ask trying to get my mind off the show.

"Oh right these dummies. This is Millie and her short dick bitch baby of a husband Moxxie."

"HEY!" The white hair imp protest but went unheard by his boss. Kind of felt bad for the guy.

"And this is my special wittle girl Loony. She is a big fan!"

"Da-Blitz!" The hellhound hisses in embarrassment. I giggle as offer my hand out for a shake.

"Nice to finally meet you Loona. B told me all about you and if anyone should be given an award it be you for putting up with his bullshit." I crack making the teen wolf give a small smile.

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