what a weird dream part 5

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"YOUR THE GOD OF PEACE AND WAR"  ranboo yelling "damn it will be nice if you dont YELL" tubbo said with a angry tone "sorry sorry but why are you here" ranboo wondering" ranboo looking at tommy "well that's a different story but for now lets just go to sleep im tired" ranboo and tubbo agreed so they put up there camp and eat. As they go to bed tubbo ask tommy something "hey tommy" tommy turn his head to tubbo "yeah what is it?" Tubbo turn to tommy will i was thinking do.. You.. Miss your family" tommy face looks sad and looks at the stars "i.. Don't know tubbo i just don't know no more.." Tubbo left bad and said "is okay bossman im sure they miss you" tommy smile "yeah maybe they do anyway go to bed we have thing's to do" tubbo giggled "okay night" said tubbo "night bee boy" said tommy as he close his eyes


                       Tubbo dream pov
Tubbo open his eyes and looks around but is all white but under his feet there's water and there is fishes under him and sea animals "oh my god am i Jesus lets gooo" as tubbo said that someone whisper to his ear "nah mate this is your dream" tubbo jump and see a old man ( lol sorry dadza ) with black wings looks like his wings has heart, and a hat and cool scar. "who are you?" Said tubbo with fear "oh well im philza or phil and im the god of life and im guessing your my son friend are you" tubbo was confuse for a minute than it snap "wait your the dad of tommy?!" Tubbo cant believe he met Tommy's dad "yep kiddo" phil came up to tubbo and looks at his eyes and he see's that this child is different from the others "your not like the other human or gods" tubbo was confuse "what do you mean" phil looks away and smile "you will find out one day but for now" phil takes out a picture of tommy when he was a baby "you wanna see pictures of tommy when he was a baby" tubbo laugh "oh Hell yeah" so they look at pictures of tommy when he was a baby.


                     Ranboo dream pov

Ranboo dream is a land with sword's around the area but they see a statue of a man that looks strong "whoa this looks cool" as ranboo goes closer someone grab them "so your ranboo one of my little brother friend are you" ranboo jump and see's a guy with long pink hair and a crown "wait, YOUR THE BLOOD GOD" ranboo backs away "well that's my god name but my is techno or technoblade and First can i trust you with my little brother" said techno with a strict face "yes well no because im bad at trust and thing's but i can try to protect him like tubbo" techno smile and grabs his sword and cuts his arm letting blood to come out. Ranboo was scared and wondering what is happening techno goes up to them "hold my hand" ranboo holds techno hand and the blood start to go up to ranboo wrist and makes a wrist necklace that is red "anyway you wanna talk about history of my story that is true" ranboo smile "yes please"

                   Tommy dream pov

Tommy's dream is a land with yellow flowers and a tree tommy knew who's with him "what the hell do you want wilbur" tommy turn to see wil "hello is nice to see you little brother-" as wilbur was cut of talking, tommy took out his word "DONT HELLO ME YOU BITCH WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM ME" said tommy with a angry tone "will little brother it seems like your getting a little to close to your human friends" tommy growl "I KNEW IT, IT WAS YOU GUYS WATCHING ME WHAT ARE YOU GUYS GOING TO DO HUH ARE YOU GOING TO KILL THEM JUST LIKE HER" wilbur smile "oh tommy you really think she was your friend oh no no no. She was using you tommy she want your power so she can kill everyone" tommy ran to wil with a angry yelling "LIER LIER" he jumps to stab wilbur but he got push away from papers he open his wings to fly "oh tommy dont forget what god i am" papers start to from wings in wilbur back "IM THE GOD OF HISTORY SO DONT THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY FROM YOUR STORY TOMMY" wilbur takes out his word and then tommy and wilbur start to fight but half away a big wind and a smell of blood comes out of nowhere and hear 2 voices in tommy head "TOMMY!!" it was ranboo and tubbo with them is philza and techno


To be continued
Thanks for reading :D

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