a new friend part 3

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Tommy and tubbo walk and walk and found the town of tubbo.


"Were here" said tubbo, "that's good lets go in" said tommy. "Wait your going in looking like that??". Tommy look at his clothes "well your right but as a god you can do anything" tommy turn it to a human. "THAT'S SO COOL TOM" said tubbo with joy, "now lets go i wanna see your town and many thing that i never got to see". Tommy and tubbo walk throw the town looking at plants and food and many thing of course. As they were enjoying it tubbo turn around to see what else is there in the shop then he see there mom, tubbo grabbed tommy and run tubbo's mom turn and sees him with a boy she ran after them yelling "COME BACK HERE TOBY". tommy and tubbo went in a shop were ranboo work at. Ranboo turn and sees tubbo with a boy "whats happening tubbo whos him?!" Said ranboo "NOT NOW BOO PLEASE HIDE US IS MY MUM SHES LOOKING FOR ME" said tubbo with fear. Ranboo said okay and hide them under the counter tubbo's mom comes in and said "have you seen tubbo i been looking for him". "No ma'am sorry if i do i will tell you" said ranboo trying not to get mad at her, "okay thank you and please do tell me if you do" she walks out faking her crying. "She gone bee" said ranboo both comes out "thank god i know that bitch fake her crys" said tubbo. Okay maybe later you can get mad her but whos he?" Said ranboo "OH this is tommy, tommy this ranboo but i call him boo" tommy looks at ranboo and said "can i call him boobs" tubbo starts laughing and ranboo tries to not laugh tommy starts laughing, "okay how about you guys stay with me and help me with my work that sound good lol" said ranboo "sure" said tubbo tommy was okay with it so they went home and play some game and cook some food and went to sleep. Tommy cant sleep for some reason he close his eyes and hears "im coming tommy and i know why you went down to earth" tommy open his eyes and looks at ranboo and tubbo then he looks at the window that is next to him "he knows i have to take care of them or else they will do the same as her" said tommy with tears on his face "i need to i don't want to lose them like her" tommy goes to sleep holding tubbo's hand (NOT A SHIP YOU ASS HOLE) and goes to sleep...

"Hes asleep do we kill them" said voice 1. "Yeah can we dad" voice 2 "no not yet let your brother enjoy before we kill the two humans" said voice 3. "Fine" said voice 1 and 2


Hope you enjoy it reading it lol
Sorry if it took long to doing this is just i need to check if i did it right or not but thank you for reading i will be making part 4 after this dont worry :)

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