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It happen every night. Zoro lock himself in the crows nest to cry. Robin was at the edge of her rope. Nothing is getting better. Sanji is still mad at Zoro, but now being more mean, calling him unlovable. Everyone agreed to tell him to stop about that, that was going way to far. Luffy didn't seem to want to tell them to knock it off and talk to each other. Zoro continue to cry by himself. She needed to do something. If by the end of the day nothing is getting better then she's going to grab Sanji and talk to him herself. Tell him her feelings and see how he likes it. That's the last resort though.

"To your left!" Zoro says in the speaker. Everyone gathers round the railing to seeing in the horizon a ship with smoke coming out of it.

"What do we do about that?" Nami wonders tilting her head. She look at Luffy, not even he would want to do something about an already sinking ship. 

"I didn't tell you all to do something. I was just letting you all know." Zoro answers, when he lands from his jump out of the crows nest. Sanji walks past him, bumping into his shoulder. Zoro just rolls his eyes, now getting use to this little childish bullying. It's all a moot point. After a week they both lose their control and end up fucking for like two days straight like a bunch of animals. Then it's back to bullying. Zoro walks past him to go into the galley where Sanji follows to let out insults. They hurt Zoro, he knows, but he wont tell anyone, specially not the cook, isn't that the whole point of why he's saying it? He'd rather just deal with it his own way, that being to cry at night until he falls asleep.

Damn, did things just get weird for him. But they can't do anything about it. If Chopper had found a way to separate them the little doctor would have told them by now. So all Zoro can do is tough it out. He pour some water into his water bottle then ignores the cook as he goes back to the crows nest to continue his workout. 

Sanji comes back out glaring at the crows nest. He's not getting any reaction out of Zoro, since the beginning the man hasn't react the way he wanted. 

"Hello!" They all hear being shouted. "Anyone there?" The person asks. Luffy and Chopper all look over the railing to see a man in a small life raft, said life raft hitting against the Sunny. The man loses his balance, after gaining it he looks up to see someone looking over. Glad that someone heard him. 

"Who are you?" Luffy ask. The man only stares shocked for a second at the question.

"The name is Salomon Barre. Nice to meet you." Salomon introduces himself with a smile. Luffy smiles back. 

"Hold on!" Chopper shouts to the man. The turn to see Franky at the helm turning the soldier dock system to let him in with his raft. The man jumps out of his skin when the side of the ship opens up. He takes a peek into it to see the space, then rows his raft into it. Not long after is the wall closed behind him, he rows to the edge, to get onto the ship and out of the water. He makes his way more into the ship, but not finding a door to get onto the deck. How did this ship work. Then the whole wall opens, the opposite of where he came in from.  There stood a boy with a straw hat, a young cat, or maybe it's a raccoon like creature, then another man with a long nose. The young raccoon trots to him, up close he is very cute.  

"Are you hurt?" The creature asks, shocking him for a second then he shakes his head. He's not hurt. "Good, we'll take you to the top to meet the others." the creature says. He follows them up with his backpack still on. 

When they get to the top the others are waiting for him, not including Zoro who is still in the crows nest. Salomon gives them all a smile. "Thank you for picking me up." He tells them. 

"Where you on the ship the was smoking?" Nami asks narrowing her eyes at him. He was very suspicious.

"Oh, yes." He nods. "No idea what happened but somehow the lower parts exploded. So we all evacuated. I seem to have went a different way than everyone else did though." He says looking towards the sea. 

"Were you traveling with someone?" Nami ask from the way he acted. 

"No. I travel by myself but the ship was full of people traveling. I think some of them were refugees. I'm not sure though."

"Do you know if everyone made it off the ship?" 

"I think so. It was a small traveling ship. Should have lasted us until we got to Lyon."

"If you want we can take you." Luffy offers, which causes Nami to punch him in the head. 

"Idiot. We are traveling by log pose, we may not be heading there." She explains to their idiotic captain. That and she would rather send the stranger, Salomon, off on his way. Everytime they pick a random person up something happens. And it's always troublesome. 

"If you would allow, can I stay until the next island?" He wonders. Luffy smiles.

"Sure." Luffy agrees making everyone groan. Everytime he agrees to something, or helping someone they always end up in some sort of fight, or disaster, or race. Something always happens when Luffy agrees to anything but they can't not do what Luffy says so they all guess they are helping this man. 

"Salomon, was it?" Robin asks. He gives her a nod. "You said you travel, anywhere in particular?" She asks, from the way he looks he certainly fits the role. He wore a hat, that cover his spiky dark blonde hair, thin eyebrows, blonde eyelashes that shade green eyes, pale skin that's covered with green cargo pants, boots, shirt and a windbreaker. That all matches his green backpack with a rolled sleeping back on the bottom. 

"I travel the world. I was born in the grandline so I wanted to travel out of it. See the four blues. But I want to head home. To Lyon so that's what I was doing." He smiles. Immediately Usopp, Luffy and Chopper drop any suspicious bone in their body about the man, if they even had one in the first place.

"What are some of the places you've traveled too."Luffy asks enthusiastically. Salomon looks wide eyed, then smiles. 

As their new friend tell them stories Robin had to believe him too. Then Nami, Franky, and Brook. Sanji just stare at him. He didn't like him. Something about him didn't seem right. How can no one die in that explosion, not that he saw it but there should have been some casualties. Or how he somehow got separated from the others who escaped? Sanji can't believe it, and he wont. 

As Salomon's story comes to an end Zoro finally makes his appearance. Jumping down from the crows nest window instead of going down the hatch. He walks past the group with his now empty water bottle, he pauses in his tracks at the guest. He looks to the person closest to him, Robin. 

"Who?" Zoro asks pointing his thumb at the new blonde. Salomon looks up to see Zoro. He stares at Zoro who only wore his pants, sweaty from the work out.

"Salomon, he's a traveler. Luffy has agreed to let him travel with us to the next island." Robin explains. Zoro shrugs his shoulders. He looks to find Salomon staring at him, he raises his eyebrow.

"If Luffy says it's okay." Zoro says, he walks away but stares at Salomon. He's suspicious. 

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