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After waiting for an hour Chopper and Zoro finally came out of the cave. Zoro came out with a blanket around him and on Choppers back, who stood in his human form. Zoro also hid himself in the doctors fur around his neck. Sanji could understand why the swordsman would do that. It helped that no one mentioned it. This is a very sensitive situation they have found themselves in.

As they walk through the forest back to the Sunny the blonde got his head covered, when he took it of his head to examine it he found it's his shirt. The one they were laying on. He looks up to see Zoro turning away from him but doing nothing on hiding his red ears and neck. He gave a small smile at the marimos directness, then look down, just remembering his chest is bare, and after getting a better look with better lighting his chest isn't that better than Zoro's. Of course Zoro whole body is covered, not one inch is bare and Sanji seems to have a few bite marks himself, as he put his shirt on he felt the sting on his back from scratch marks. The blonde's face turning as red as a lobster as the realization hit him that he was walking without a shirt, showing off the marks he's gotten to the ladies. How embarrassing. How he wants to crawl into a hole and be forgotten about.

"You guys came out far." Nami says looking down at a map, she must have made that herself. Drawing the village while guarding Sanji and then the rest of the island as they were searching.

"Sorry, for causing everyone trouble." Sanji says with his head down, feeling extremely guilty about the set back he has caused, how many meals he's failed to cook now. "Say sorry marimo!" Sanji hisses as he glare at the man.

Instead Chopper turned to face the blonde, "he can't talk. His voice hurts too much to. His vocal cords might have been hurt." the doctor explains causing everyone to pause for a second. The cook catching the swordsman's surprised face, then his whole face blooming red like a flower, hiding his face in Choppers scruff and pulling his arms that wrap around the reindeer neck close. "Ah! Zoro you're choking me." the doctor croaks, leaning back, Zoro looks up at what he's doing to see that he is choking the youngest of the group. He let's go as Nami clears her throat, a light blush cross the bridge of her nose.

"It's going to be a hike back to the Sunny." she announces.

"It's a wonder how we couldn't hear you two." Usopp thinks out loud. Sanji blushes but stays quiet, if he does he feels like would bring unnecessary attention to himself, he doesn't want that. They already had enough of the crews attention.

"We were running away from the wolves that live here, them growling at us doesn't help." Robin thinks back to all the times they had to abandon searching in order to save themselves.

The group follows Nami in silence as they made their way back home. It was full of hiking and hiding, the blonde has never had a problem with hiking, he could do it when he's half asleep but not when he's barefoot. As it turns out when he and Zoro ran away they ran without their shoes on, at first the blonde had thought maybe they were discarded like Zoro's pants and shirt but that doesn't seem to be the case. Lucky for the swordsman he's being carried by the doctor. They also couldn't fight back, with the cook having no shoes and Zoro not in a condition to be fighting, all they could do is hide. The hike back to the Sunny took longer than it should have but when home was within sight everyone smiled and ran.

"Finally!" Nami exclaims as she sat down on the grass. Sanji smiles as he felt the soft grass between his toes. It was sort of nice to be home, even though to him he never left.

"You found them!" Luffy shouts running to them with a smile, happy to see his nakama again. For him, Chopper and Usopp it had been six days since they last saw the two. Luffy hugs Sanji, the blonde smiles and pats the captain on the back waiting to be let go.

"Come you two, to the infirmary for a check." Chopper instructs with a look at Sanji, telling the blonde to follow him. Luffy lets go and steps back to let his friend go and get checked on. Sanji follows Chopper who still had Zoro on his back, shockingly to the bath house and not the infirmary like he originally thought.

In there he is told to strip and take a shower, get washed, getting rid of all the dirt and grime of being in a cave for two days straight. Chopper helped Zoro clean himself as the man couldn't move much but Chopper made sure to keep track of both of their bodies. Making sure to jot mental notes of everything he noticed. All the scratch marks, bites, the scrapes on the bottom of both their feet, how sore sores bottom is, or how Zoro's lower back needs a good message, it would seem even the blonde also needs a message. See if any old wounds reopened. All that on top of Zoro's sore throat.

To Zoro's extreme embarrassment Chopper and Sanji cleaned him out, getting all of the cooks cum out. But once they were done with that and both men got over what had just happen they are happy to feel clean and refreshed. Didn't know how dirty they were until they saw the color of the water.

After the deep cleanse of their shower Chopper got them into the infirmary. Rubbing ointments on the scratches and bite marks. Treating the wounds they got from the wolves. Gave them a message. Went and got the two men some clothes to get into finally, the little doctor got question from the others during that. While Chopper got their clothes, the blonde and the marimo waited in silence, they didn't look at each other. Sanji fiddled with his thumbs as Zoro munched on a treat Chopper gave him for his throat.

Because of this Sanji had time to think. It is obvious what they did. He knew why they did it. He also knew they are on the same island. He knew he lost six days but he was curious on what happened during those four days that lead to them running away from each other. He needed to ask them.

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