It was super uncomfortable on the floor but I tried not to mind that much. Is Kakyoin asleep yet? I should check. I was getting ready to turn over but then I stopped myself. What if he is awake It'd be awkward if he was, I should wait longer. I nervously waited to check on Kakyoin then it hit me, my nightmares. They've been coming every night with no exception. What if I had one with Kakyoin here. It would be so embarrassing. It's already embarrassing enough when my mom catches me whimpering in my sleep. What would Kakyoin think? He'd probably think I weak. I covered my eyes with my hands. What should I do? I can't control them and they've been getting worse. I turned so I was facing Kakyoin. He was facing the wall, his red hair looked especially pretty with the moon light on it. And his neck was pretty too. I couldn't stop myself from staring. I felt my eye lids get heavy as I was admiring his red hair once more.

I opened my eyes back up to see I was in a endless black void. Where's Kakyoin. I started looking around for him. He was here just a second ago I just saw him.
"Jotaro?" Kakyoin? That was Kakyoin's voice. I serched around once more
"Kakyoin?" I called out into the void
"Jotaro?" I heard him again. I started following the direction of his voice
"Jotaro..." he said. But he sounded scared ??
"Yeah Kakyoin" I said getting a little more worried by his tone
"Help.." He's in trouble
"Kakyoin?!" I yelled and started running to the noise. "Kakyoin!" I said again this time even more frantic. Without even thinking about it I started running to a light in the distance. I raised my arm to shield myself from the bright light. I slowly moved it down as my eyes adjusted.
"Kakyoin." I said relieved as I saw him standing in the middle. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him in a hug. Looking back I must've been crazy for doing that. While I was holding him he didn't seem to react he kept his arms down his whole body trembling. I removed my arms from him and looked at his fearful expression. He was looking off into the distance. I placed both of my hands on his shoulders and studied his face. "Kakyoin what's wrong?" I asked him. He glanced back over at me clenching his teeth.
"Yeah?" I said shaking his shoulders slightly.
"B-behind you." I turned around and saw nothing just more of the black endless void.
"What's behind me Kakyoin?" He didn't answer he just looked back at me with a worried expression. I shook him again. "What? What is it?" Suddenly two big hands came from the darkness and clasps their hands around Kakyoin's mouth and dragged him off. "KAKYOIN?!" My frantic question was only met by muffled screams. Where did he go? "KAKYOIN!" I shouted again. I saw another light and started running towards it. It was a lot more dim than the other one but I could still see what was going on. The man was there again to torment me. This time I could see him better. I couldn't exactly make out his facial features but I could see him a bit better. He had blonde hair and was shirtless exposing his impressive muscles he also was unbelievable tall. If that didn't make him intimidating enough he had a strong threatening aura that made me fall to ground. I looked and saw Kakyoin being held by the man. He was implanting some bud looking thing with tentacles into his forehead. The tentacles on it started expanding as he got closer. He was planning on hurting Kakyoin.
"no... please" I begged but the man didn't even seem to notice me. I felt so helpless tears just started falling down my cheek. "Please I'm begging you." I couldn't stand to watch it feeling so helpless so useless I couldn't even protect Kakyoin. I couldn't even stand up. The first tentical implanted itself in Kakyoin and started to spread. Kakyoin winced in pain as he tensed his whole body. "please...." I sobbed helplessly watching.

"Jotaro?" Kakyoin? His voice was soft and sweet. But the Kakyoin I was looking at was in pain. I blinked and when I slowly opened my eyes seeing the real Kakyoin kneeling over me. He wiped the sweat off my face then smiled to me.
"Are you....okay?" Another nightmare. I sat up in my makeshift bed feeling little bit more relieved.
  "Yeah I'm fine." I answered trying to catch my breath
"Did you have a bad dream?" He asked turning his head. I recalled the dream seeing Kakyoin in his arms with that thing going into him.
"Something like that." I answered
"Seemed like it was bad." He said moving his hand  to his chest.
"Wasn't the best." I answered. But the dreams seemed to be getting worse. I turned so now my face was facing him.
"Are you okay?"
"Oh yeah I'm fine.....Why do you ask?" Dumbass it was just a dream I scolded myself.
"Just checking in." I said trying to sound nonchalant. There was a silence that fell over the room. I killed the conversation again. Although it wasn't really a conversation I wanted to have with Kakyoin.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"no" I responded trying my best not to come off as rude. He already seemed pretty jumpy around me
"Oh that's fine then" He was always so polite and proper when he talked. Was he like that with everyone? I caught myself wondering if he spoke that way with friends or with his lover. Lover? I really am going crazy why am I even thinking about that. Whatever I'll just take a shower and cool my head. I stood up and made my way to the bathroom
"Is it fine if I was up first?" I asked
"Oh yeah that's fine." Kakyoin said still kneeling on the floor.

I shut to door and leaned against it. What was that?! I thought furiously blushing and covering my mouth with my hand. I couldn't orginze my thoughts there was so much going through my head. First of all Kakyoin heard my pathetic whimpering it might've even woke him up, second of all he was comforting me?!? I rubbed my forehead where he touched. We were so close. I thought clenching my fist and sliding down the door. Luckily I was able to keep my cool in front of Kakyoin but I was freaking out on the inside. Wait was that the first time we actually touched? I thought about it all I could recall was me tapping him and our knees touching when we sat close. I blused again this time feeling hotter. Dumbass getting so excited by just a touch. I scoffed at myself but my excitement didn't seem to go away. I better cool off. I set the shower to it's coldest setting and cleared my head of everything.

I got out of the shower my head finally cleared. No more stupid thoughts I hummed to myself as I got dressed pleased with my new clear mind. Which didn't last very long because as soon as I opened the door I was met with Kakyoin changing. The sweatshirt he was wearing was halfway off and around his arms exposing his whole chest and stomach. He was super skinny which made sense he didn't seem to eat much. But he also was toned and had a good amount of muscle despite how skinny he was. That was when I looked at his face he seemed to be in more shock than me. Then I realized the situation of me walking in on him.
"Ah sorry." I said closing the bathroom door. That didn't help at all what I just saw kept replaying it in my head. Making me blush all the way to my ears. I might not too take another shower.

I splashed my face with cool water a couple of times before exiting the bathroom. I walked into the kitchen to see Polnareff already happily chatting away with Kakyoin. When I walked in Polnareff's suspicious smirked grew
"How was the floor Jotaro?" He asked smirking even more. I knew exactly what he meant by this. I would get in almost fist fights with Polnareff about the floor. Avdol would always have to break it up and switch rooms. Even then I'd argue with Avdol about the floor but he would usually admit defeat. And the times I have agreed to just share with Polnareff I would "accidentally" kick him off the bed.
"Shut up." I said harshly. I knew everyone in the house was very curious about me and Kakyoin's relationship, and to be honest I was too. I took the spot across from Kakyoin studying his morning face. He had little bags under his eyes that would probably disappear throughout the day and his hair wasnt as neat as it always had been. He looked up at me while I was studying him. Just his gaze made me think of this mornings incident when I walked in on him changing. I blushed just thinking about it. I quickly pulled down my hat to hide my expression.
"Good Morning boys." My mom said bringing over cups of tea. I had just woken up and she was already being as annoying as ever. She really had to act like this when Kakyoin was around too. But Kakyoin didn't seem to bothered by it.
"Morning Mrs Holly" Kakyoin cheerfully answered back.
"So any plans today?" She asked both of us but I think she was talking more to Kakyoin because he would actually answer.
"Uh I'm not sure I might go home my moms gonna be home tonight." I couldn't tell if Kakyoin was lying or not. If he really wanted to leave he could've just asked me and I would've made up a good excuse for him
"But you said she wasn't coming till late at night?" My mom was always overbearing it was annoying. I mean Kakyoin isn't even her son.
"Well yes but I'll only be alone for a couple hours." Goddamnit you can't leave a 17 y/o boy home alone for just a couple of hours. I thought glaring at my mom trying to get this message across. She seemed to understand but ignored it.
"Well what if I gave you boys money you guys could go out today so you won't have to be alone." Wait that idea didn't sound that bad. I was only worried he'd be stuck here with these freaks but if me and him just go out... I turned my attention to Kakyoin who was trying to reason  with my mom. 
"It's really fine Mrs. Holly you've already done so much."
"It's really been no trouble at all, plus I'm sure Jotaro would want to spend time with you." I glared at my mom again. The way she talked about my emtions like that was annoying.
"It's really fine there's food in the fridge for me and if I get bored I could just watch tv" Kakyoin was still trying to reason with her.
"Well if it's really ok-" Don't tell me she's giving up already
"How much will you give us." I said cutting her off. I was hoping she could convince Kakyoin but whatever.
"As much as you need." My mom said she could barely contain her own excitement. She seemed to really like Kakyoin.
"Hand me your wallet." I ordered and she happily went to get her wallet. I opened it and looked through the cash. This should be enough for a nice lunch and to get him something else. I thought taking wads of cash.
"Let's go."  I said to Kakyoin trying to leave as soon as possible so I didn't have to deal with this annoying atmosphere any longer.

A/n sorry for not updating for a while :( I had this chapter written out but something happened to the draft and it deleted then I really lost motivation. But I'm doing better now and will update more ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

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