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Jotaro's pov

I could hear the footsteps catching up to me. It felt like I had been running forever. I really wanted to stop but I can't. He's too close. Whoever he is. My legs felt weak like I could give up any second, but I had to keep going. Finally I collapsed my legs couldn't move anymore useless. I could hear the footsteps from the dark void approach me.
The figure I still couldn't recognize let out a deep chuckle. My body trembled with fear as he outstretched his pale arm towards me. I shut my eyes tightly waiting for what he figure was gonna do next.

I gasp for air as if I hadn't had a taste of it in months and shot upright in my bed. That dream again. I put my hand over my racing heart, and lifted my arm up to my sweaty forehead. ugh. I slowly rested my head aganist the pillow, and rubbed eyes.
I hear my mom cry out in her sing songy tone I rub my eyes and groan once more. I really didn't wanna go to school today especially after having that dream, it always drains me. I hear a soft knock and my mother's voice once again in that same cheerful tone
I groan and lift my head up from my firm pillow "Damnit women I'm up" Todays gonna be a long day.

I cursed under my breath as I got up out of my warm bed. I brushed my teeth and slicked my hair back to put my hat over it . I left my room and groaned once more when I heard my mother's voice
"Jotaro breakfast!"
"no time" I say trying to head the door as fast as possible.
"You have to have something in your stomach" she hands me a creme bread smiling. I nodded and put it in my bag.
"Oh Jotaro your forgetting something" she giggled
"Jesus Christ" I mumbled as I leaned down for her to plant a kiss on my cheek. She playfully pulls my hat down as I try my best to leave
"Bye Jotaro have a good day at school!" She was annoying, then again most women were.

I opened my gate and saw a boy with red hair crouched over a flower looking through the lense of a camera. When he noticed me he stood up quickly. "Oh um is this your house I was just taking a picture of the flower." He smiled at me, his features were sharp. He had amethyst eyes slightly red cheeks and white teeth that stood out against his pink lips. He also had a curl that fell fashionably over his face. I finally realized I was staring at him too long. He was waiting nervously for me to say something
"mm" was all I uttered in response so his anxiety would end as I walked away.

I walked my normal route to school which I realized was a bad idea as soon as I heard the screaming coming from a massive hoard of girls.
"Jotaro" They all called out to me giggling
"For fucks sake" I groaned under my breath.
" I made you some homemade pancakes!" one of the girls offered me a tubbawear box with delicious looking pancakes in it. I ignored her. No matter how delicious they sound I can't give in. I know I wouldn't hear the end of.

I continued my walk to school trying to tune out the annoying girls. When I walked through the gate of the school the vice principal thankfully noticed us "Girls get to class I'm sure Jotaro has to too." The girls all mummured as they left my side. "Glad to see your at school Jotaro." he said in almost a condescending tone.
"mm" I nodded and walked my usual route so I'd be a little late and wouldn't have to listen to the annoying schedule.

I walked up to the classroom door to see the same redhead I saw earlier anxiously waiting by the door. I sat there for a sec looking at him, he was so lost in thought he didn't even notice me.
"Hey" I called out to him. He jolted as a response.
"Oh um I- um" He started spitting out words cute I quickly snapped back to reality cute?? did I really just think that.
"Is this your class?" I asked him
"I think so"
"2A?" He looked down and nodded in response. Guess he's in my class.

I held the door open for him. He stood there for a sec looking like a bundle of nerves before walking in. When he walked in I could just tell how uncomfortable he was. The teacher noticed us walk in together.
"Are you the new student" The boy quickly glanced up at the teacher then looked back at the floor.
"Yes." his voice was soft and shakey.
"Noriarki Kakyoin?" the teacher questioned him. Kakyoin I repeated to myself. "Hope Jotaro didn't give you any trouble." I could tell Kakyoin's shock by this comment.
"Oh no he was..." I nudged past him trying to distract him from the question I think I might've pushed him too hard he seemed to lose his balance for a second. "...fine" Great as if he wasn't already scared of me.

He took a seat right in front of me. I could tell this made him uncomfortable. I sighed and looked out the window. Noriarki Kakyoin I thought to myself thats a nice name. The lunch bell finally rang after what felt like eternaity. Kakyoin hurried and rushed out of the classroom. I chuckled to myself at this sight. I went up to my usual spot on the roof and lit my cigarette. I desperately wanted to go home I sighed. I took a big drag of my cigarette then heard some bustling behind the shed I was leaning against. I look over to see who it is. I see a familiar red head struggling with his bookbag Kakyoin? He looked at me with a face filled with fear, bowed and left as quickly as possible. What was he doing here. I looked around to see where he was sitting and saw a half full strawberry milk sitting neatly on the floor in replacement of him. Ha guess he was in a hurry.

The walk home from school was just as annoying with the squealing girls surrounding me. I finally shook them off as I was getting ready to turn the corner to my house. Thank God. I turned the corner and saw Kakyoin hunched over on a bench across from my house. I thought about his terrified expression at lunch then remember he barely ate anything. It's my fault for scaring the damn kid so bad. I then remembered the creme bread my mom had given me. I check in my bag, it was still there. I walked up to him startling him as I got his attention. I reached out my hand offering him the creme bread. He looked at me confused for a second.
"Is that for me?" he questioned looking up at me.
I nodded "You didn't eat anything for lunch right"
He nodded accepting the bread
"Oh yeah um thank you." I nodded and turned around to go home.

I felt my cheeks redden as I walked the other way. Why am I so happy he accepted it. I turned around once more to get one last look at him. I saw him struggling with the wrapping to open it cute.

It's been three hours why is he still out there I thought to myself as I looked out the window seeing the redhead still sitting on the same spot on the bench. It must be cold out there I searched for an extra jacket from my closet to offer him. "C'mon where is it" I mumbled under breath. Found it. I rushed out to comfort him, but once I got out and looked at the bench he was at earlier, the boy was no where to be found. I looked down the street to see a redhead shivering as he walked. I looked back down at the jacket in my hand. It's not worth it I sighed and made my way back to my house.

When I arrived back home my mom glanced up from the dishes she was picking up from dinner earlier.
"What was that Jotaro?" she questioned with a smirk
I rolled my eyes knowing the answer would only make her more annoying "nothing" I said walking to my room.
"Well if you have a friend just know they're always welcome at dinner." I nodded and hurried off to my room.

I slipped my cap off and jacket. I basically collapsed on my bed. I closed my eyes. I wonder if I'll have that dream again I thought as I dosed off.

sorry ik this chapter has a lot of mistakes and kinda hard to understand (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ please correct me if you see anything wrong and I'll fix it thanks for reading (^~^;)ゞ

lonely nightsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang