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Jotaro's pov

I found myself walking through a black void again. Is this another nightmare? I counitued walking in endless darkness until I saw a light in the distance. Against my better judgement I started walking towards it, instead of being met with the tall man who haunts my dream I saw red hair. Kakyoin? I counited walking towards him Why is he here When I got closer to him I could see he was shaking
"Kakyoin?" He didn't answer he was looking off into the void "Kakyoin" I said once more bringing my hand out to him. He took a big step back still looking off into the distance. "Kakyoin what's wrong?" His expression didn't change.
"Jotaro" That sing songy voice gave me the chills, I knew exactly who it was. I slowly turned around seeing the tall blonde man lean over me. I froze my body starting trembling I stuttered to get some words out. "Jotaro" He called out once more bringing his hands out to me.

I was jolted awake by a cold feeling was over me. I sat up and coughed up the ice water that was just poured over me
"what the fuck!" I exclaimed seeing My Grandpa Joesph and Polnareff in my room smiling like a bunch of idiots.
"Good morning to you too!" Gramps said holding back his laughter
"Fuck off" I said taking off my soaked covers
"Oh you awake" Polnareff said trying not to die it laughter.
"Yeah real funny" I said exiting my bed.
"You kept calling out to someone, don't tell me you were having one of those dreams?" Polnareff smirked. I glared at him as I made my way to the bathroom "Cmon it's perfect normally for a boy your age." he joked trying to catch me before I closed the door. I looked in the bathroom mirror at my soaked face. I clenched my chest, my heart was still racing. I hung my head now looking at the sink. That dream...and Kakyoin...why was he there? I sighed remembering his trembling expression Why was he so scared? My breathing quicken as I thought more about it. It's just a dream, it's just a dream. I repeated to myself trying to calm down. I let out a deep breath turned my head to my reflection in the mirror. I should dry off.

I walked into the kitchen still damp and cold from this morning. Avdol was sitting at the table with a book in one hand and tea in the other he glanced up at me for a second before looking back at his book "Morning"
"Morning" I responded back sitting in the seat across from him.
"So nice of you to join us Jotaro" Polnareff joked patting my shoulder and taking a seat next to me.
"Good morning sweetie!" My mom said kissing my cheek and placing a coffee filled mug in front of me.
"mm" I nodded taking sips from the mug. Avdol turned his gaze to Joesph.
"Mr Joestar I believe there might be more than on stand user in this area." Ah a stand user I knew they all wouldn't be here without good reason
"So is you know who here?" Joseph questioned glancing around the table. Of course I had no idea what they were talking about I never cared about that kind of stuff. Avdol said some things to Gramps then turned to me.
"Have you seen one around Jotaro?" I shook my head
"Not that I've heard of"
"Well be on the lookout." He said getting up from his seat to help my mom clean up breakfast.

I stared at my now empty mug tuning out that stand talk happening at the table. That's all they ever talked about it seemed. I cleared my throat and left the table, the stand talk had gotten tiring. I had a stand myself, star platinum, he seemed to have a mind of his own but he was loyal and would even come out to protect me. But still I would rather have nothing to do with stands. I went to my room and collapsed on my bed I didn't want to think of stands anymore. I buried my head in the pillow and drifted off to sleep.

"Jotaro!" I heard my mother calling out to me. I buried my head in the pillow more already missing the rest I had just gotten "Jotaro?" she was at the door now.
I grunted and let out a harsh "What"
"Can you come take our the trash sweetie?"
"Ugh whatever" I groaned getting out of bed. I stepped out into the cold getting chills on my arm. Before I turned to leave I noticed something or someone Kakyoin, he was crouched over a flower taking a picture. I smiled to my self ever since that dream I had been feeling uneasy. I was so calming to just see him okay. I walked up to him. He didn't seem to notice I focused on his concreted expression as he tried to get the right angles. "You really like taking pictures of that" I teased him.
"Ah! Uh I mean hey Jotaro or um I mean sorry it just that you know the flowers and um the-" cute I hide my smile then I noticed the goosebumps on his arm does he not realize how cold it is?
"Aren't you cold?"
"Oh um no it's fine." He seemed to have finally found his words and stood up. Would it be weird to invite him in I mean he looks freezing, but what are these feelings why do I feel so calm? Why do I want to be around him so much? Would it be a good idea to invite him in? My endless thoughts were suddenly cut off
"Hey Jotaro" Polnareff I rolled my eyes ready for his nonsense "Your mom told me too- who's this cutie?"
"Fuck off" I already knew I wouldn't hear the end of this. But Kakyoin was polite and had to introduce himself, even shook his hand.
"Kakyoin Noriarki." He said with a cute smile
"Oh Mr. Kakyoin. You can just call me Polnareff" I rolled my eyes at Polnareff flirty tone and turned away from them. I started tuning out their conversation once I wasn't interested. And the only time I was it was when it was just me and Kakyoin. I think I've gotten to used to tuning them out because when I turned my attention back Avdol was outside and already invited him in for tea. 
"Oh c'mon you have to" Polnareff begged "I haven't seen Jotaro hangout with someone since he was this small." I looked over hearing my name to see Polnareff barely holding his off the floor.
"I was never that small" I barked back. Kakyoin seemed to enjoy this as he chuckled in amusement. His smiling as he laughed made my face turn red as I turned away.
"Well I'm sure one glass won't hurt." Kakyoin said with a chuckled still hidden in his words. What no, he accepted? I haven't even figured out how I felt about him yet, now I'm gonna have to sort it out with my family breathing down my neck too?? I sighed as we begun to enter my house.

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