Snow, Decor, Mistletoe

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Jolene opened her eyes, the sleep leaving her vision blurry for a moment.  She was warm with a blanket over her body and Dabi's chest as her pillow. She could hear his slow and steady heart beat and feel his chest rising and falling silently, indicating he was still asleep. 

The movie they had been watching was rolling the credits and the room was darker than when she had fallen asleep. Ember, her cat, was sitting half on Dabi's head and half on her own pillow. 

Jolene smiled then pushed herself up, grabbed her phone from the desk and took a picture of him. She snickered silently and set her phone down but when she looked up what she saw made her gasp sofly. 

The gasp made Dabi wake up. His eyes opened into slits and he just reached up and pulled her back down while readjusting to go back to sleep. 

"Dabi no-look!" She said, squirming to get up. 

Dabi muttered something with his eyes closed as she managed to get out from under his heavy arm and get off the couch. Her footsteps were soft as she walked to a window. 

Glittering snow fluttered down to the white ground. It must have been snowing for a while for the ground to already be covered. She put her hands to the cold glass and stared in awe at the snow fluttering softly down. It didn't snow much in Japan and if it did it was only a few inches but it looked like this year the snow had already beat its record. 

Without Jolene there wasn't any good reason to stay on the couch so Dabi rolled off and lazily got up. He walked over to her, still half asleep, and dropped his arms around her like he could hardly stand without her support. He kept his eyes closed as he laid his head on her shoulder softly. 

He inhaled deeply and got a whiff of her shampooed hair. It smelled like peppermint and fresh wood, she just smelled so good. 

"Can you believe this? We're together for the first snow of the season!" Jolene said excitedly.

"Hmm" Dabi hummed into her shoulder. 

Jolene exhaled and said "Can you think of anything more beautiful than this?" 

Dabi opened his eyes and looked at the snow fall for the first time. "I can think of one other thing that's more beautiful" He muttered. 

Dabi could see Jolene's reflection as she blushed and smiled a little. He smiled too but hid his better. 

"Me too" Jolene said as she finally turned around and wrapped her arms around him. 

Dabi frowned and said "Excuse me?! I'm a boy" 

"Handsome, I mean handsome!" Jolene corrected while she chuckled a little. 

"Darn right I'm handsome" He grumbled as he wrapped his arms back around her tightly.

They stood like that for a few moments before Jolene gasped and stepped back. Dabi looked at her in surprise as she broke out into a wide smile. "We should decorate now!" She exclaimed. 

"What?" He asked but before he could say anything she was already walking away. "You're going to decorate for a holiday that will be over in two months?" 

"Yes!" Jolene called from another room. "Help me get down the boxes!" 

Dabi exhaled heavily but then realized that the boxes were in her attic......she would be on a ladder....Jolene wore skirts and- he stopped his excited thinking when he remembered that she also wore leggings now. 

"Are you coming?" She asked. 

"Coming darling" He grumbled as he walked out of the living room and into the kitchen where he saw the bottom half of her body while the rest was in the ceiling. Sure enough she was wearing leggings and a mini skirt. 

Jolene x Dabi Winter loversWhere stories live. Discover now