"Why? Who are you? Why would my brother be meeting with a werewolf? How did you even meet?" I ask her eager to get some answers.

"My name is Marianne Sasphire and as for why your brother would be meeting me, it's a little hard to explain."

"Try me."

"He's my husband. Was my husband." she corrects the same sad look in her face "We were married."

I gasp in disbelief. That couldn't be right. he wouldn't do that without telling me, would he?

"My brother wasn't married. He, he would have told me if he was."

"He wanted to, but that was something he couldn't say over the phone, and he suspected someone was listening on his communication channel. He wanted to tell you in person, he just never got the chance to."

"And you expect me to just believe that? Where's the proof?" I demand from her, still not convinced.

She smiles amused.

"Oliver did always say how his little sister was the most sceptical and stubborn of people." she comments retrieving a photograph from her small purse. "Here, I think this should do it."

She passes me the photograph that already showed signs of being folded and unfolded many times. I stare at the two people on it and there he was. My brother and Marianne. They were in what appeared to be a wedding. Marianne was in a wedding dress and Oliver...he looked so happy. Probably the happiest I had ever seen him.

"He wanted you to be there more than anything that day. He said you would never forgive him for daring to get married without you as the best woman." she says chuckling, a tear falling from her eye, which she quickly cleaned. I chuckle teary eyed as well. "He talked how we were going to have to do a second ceremony just for you."

"That sounds like something he would do." I tell her trying hard to fight the tears.

"He loved you very much, your brother." she says kindly

"I know." I admit looking away from her, trying to compose myself a little bit. "He was the only family I had left. My father he never cared, Ollie was the one who was always there, he would help me with my homework and threaten all the guys against hurting me. He was the worst." I tell her chuckling "And I loved him for that. It was me and him against the world."

"I'm sorry you had to lose him." she says kindly.

"Yeah, I guess I have my father to thank for that." I tell her cleaning the tear marks on my cheeks. "He killed him, did you know that? His own son."

"I always suspected that he had something to do with it." she says with a sombre look "The last time I saw Oliver, he told me that he felt like he was being followed. So he told me to run and hide, that he would make contact when he could."

"Why didn't he run with you? Why would he stay? If he knew they were coming..."

"He wanted to keep me safe. Keep...our child safe." she confesses

I raise my head so fast I'm surprised I didn't get whiplashed.

"You can't mean..."

"His name is Caleb. Caleb Oliver Sasphire. He's three years old and a little terror." she says with a fond look "He's he spitting image of his father."

"I have a nephew?" I ask her shocked

"Yes, would you like to see a picture?" she asks me kindly.

I nod with my head, not able to produce words right now. She gives me another photo. This time it showed a little boy running in the grass. There was no doubt he was my brother's son. His features...they were all him.

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