Chapter 13.2

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“Ahh” Lumine sighed, waking up quickly as her alarm rang out annoyingly, trying to hammer her skull but right now, nothing could hurt her. Stretching her arms outward and feeling her joints give a satisfying crunch, she gets out of bed, ready to bring her day.

She tapped the alarm off and stretched again, popping her leg joints, and feeling another satisfying crunch.  Now she felt invincible, ready to take on anything that comes her way. She headed to her dorm room’s bathroom and began to wash her face, etc.

She looked around her dorm bathroom, grateful her high school gave out private bathrooms to the students for every room. It wasn’t the best of quality, with its broken faucet handles that flung off if grabbed too hard or the mirrors that were too small to examine yourself, she still enjoyed the privacy.

She reached for her glass cup and took a sip of water, refreshing her parched throat and making her feel even more confident. She left her private bathroom and got changed, wearing jeans and a loose white shirt. The blonde-haired girl grabbed her school supplies and headed out of her small dorm, containing only a bed, a desk, a wardrobe, and a connected bathroom.

“Oh, hey sis,” Aether said to her, having gotten out of his dorm room at the same time. He gave a small wave and Lumine noticed her twin wearing the same thing. Usually, she would’ve gotten mad about it but right now she couldn’t give a shit.

“What, ugh sorry,” a deep gruff voice said, leaving Aether’s room in a hurry, wearing a giant black jacket and what she had to guess would be minimal clothing underneath. Lumine took a glance at it and realized it was Arataki Itto, Aether’s prom date but now hook up buddy? Lumine was unsure and she didn’t feel the need to pry, so very much happy to even care.

“Bye,” Aether says to him, giving a wink that the buff dude didn’t notice. Lumine giggles, mind clear to make meaning of the situation. “FYI, you’re glowing, and seem very happy,” Aether said to her. Lumine just gave a shrug and a smile.

“Alright, anyway…” Aether said, leaving Lumine and heading down the same path Arataki Itto took.

Lumine took the opposite path, leading to another set of stairs, and made her way down to the first floor. On the first floor of her dorm building, there was a common area for the students to lounge in, filled with couches and a few TVs.

The TVs weren’t provided with the cable though, so it was mostly used for people to hook video game systems and play them as a group. There was even a club now for a specific multiplayer combat video game.

Lumine wandered through the lounge, waiting a bit for a specific somebody. She stood idly by in the center, wobbling on the balls of her feet as she waited for someone. She eyed down the three stairway exits, seeing other students begin to leave and head to the school. Then a familiar tuft of ginger hair made stars alit in her eyes.

“Childe baby!” Lumine called out, waving her hand. She heard a giggle that made her heart flutter and saw the beaming sunshine of her life, Childe. His cute, freckled face and loving handsome smile made her weak to her knees but yet also gave her strength to just jump up and hug him.

“Hey cutie” he replied, saying the pet name he gave her one night out and about the islands. She still could remember the gleaming stars above her as they kissed through the night, the memory still keeping the feeling of Childe’s lips on her intact.

“Hey” she lazily said, grabbing his hands and swinging with them. The blonde-hair girl just stared at the ginger’s face, admiring his rugged but boyish looks that made her butter on a hot pan.

“Hey” he leaned in, whispering. Lumine eagerly leaned in closer, hoping for a kiss. She was about to close her eyes and fill the gap before Childe whispered, “we need to go to school you know,” causing her to pout. She didn’t want to learn, she just wanted to be with Childe, and be in his loving embrace.

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