Chapter 12.3

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The shimmering summery light made Lumine’s eyes wince, still not used to such brightness. Placing a hand on her chest and trying to calm her heart rate down, she took a deep breath, inhaling the salty air that she’ll have to get used to for the next few years. She scanned the area around her, seeing the giant school building that resided on Pudding Isle.

Ever since she arrived at the school, she had gotten to learn the different small island names, since she needed to travel to and from one every day. With the small taxi boat system called Waaverider, implemented alongside the school and dorms (plus the few houses built for the richer students), the archipelago was ready for the school year. Off in the distance, she could see the school, in Twinning Isle, looming high, having replaced the hotel that used to be here. The blonde girl still wondered how the school was able to do such a feat, replacing a centuries-old building in a short period of time.

Pressing her lips into a thin line, she let out a small sigh and went to take a seat on a rock nearby. Lumine crossed her legs and placed her elbow on her knee, resting her chin on her knuckles. She waited for a familiar ginger boy, pondering curiously on the potential events for their date today.

Childe and Lumine both were able to arrive at Genshin High earlier than others, unable to return to regions of origin for different reasons. Her mom had to find a job in Mondstadt and hence decided to just drop Aether and Lumine at the new school location, leaving her two children bored out of their minds for the past week. Now, Childe had arrived yesterday, and they had plans for a date, Childe taking the initiative and planning out the date.

Then in the distance, she heard footsteps, her heart rate betraying her and speeding up. She hadn’t seen Childe since the last day of school last year, so she was curious to see if the ginger had changed.

“Uh, Childe?” Lumine asked out, hoping it was her date.

“Yes princess,” he said, peaking his head out from around the corner of the rock, winking at her. Lumine turned scarlet, startled before letting the cool ocean air lessen the color in her skin.

Briefly pausing, Lumine examined the boy before, seeing practically the same thing except he just wore shorts now. She also took another moment to appreciate his calves, loving the way they were so sculpted and toned, making his legs look nicely thick.

“My eyes are up here,” Childe said, which caused Lumine to squeak in surprise.

“Ack, uh sorry, you have nice legs,” Lumine stuttered, rubbing her hand against the back of her neck.

“Thanks, I’ve taken up biking,” Childe answered sweetly, giving the oh-so-familiar smile that made butterflies flutter in her stomach. She wanted to reach out and hold his hand, feeling the warmth of them and callouses he might have but she felt hesitant. She didn’t know where their relationship was at, having spent time apart but she guessed that was the point of the date, to see if there was still a spark between them.

So far, Lumine could still feel the spark but she hoped Childe could too.
“So, what’s the date?” Lumine asked, getting closer to the ginger. Her eyes fell onto his lips, and then she realized that they haven’t even kissed.

They’ve only gone on a few enjoyable dates, mostly full of hold-handing and hugs but never a kiss. She clenched her fist, now determined to make that happen today, especially if things go well.

“Ah, I will be taking you somewhere cool, the inverted ruins at Minacious Isle!” Childe exclaimed, his eyes beaming like a puppy, so very excited and energetic. Lumine paused for a moment, remembering the ruins to be a slightly dangerous area in the archipelago and she wasn’t wearing much activewear, but she didn’t want to ruin Child’s fun, so she went along with it.

“Oh, so cool!” she exclaimed back, hoping to match enthusiasm. It seemed to work as Childe nodded, jumping up and down a bit. He looked so cute, wholesomely excited, and entertained that somehow. she felt guilty for faking it.

“Yeah! I was worried you might not like it, but you seem excited which I like,” Childe said. Lumine felt another gut-wrenching drop of guilt hit her stomach but she did her best to ignore it, focused on having a good enough time.

“Anyway, we better hurry, I’ve already called for a Waaverider,” Childe said, grasping Lumine’s hand and dragging her to the shore.

Lumine’s heart did a quick flip, surprised at the sudden hand holding but she loved it. She could feel Childe’s callouses, his rough hands that she adored. The two stood side by side, holding hands as they await their ride, enjoying the sound of ocean waves. It felt so idyllic.

“I missed this,” Lumine said quietly, resting her head against Childe’s shoulder. He felt warm, his cotton shirt feel soft against her face, very comfortable for the blonde girl.

“Mhm,” Childe muttered, turning his head to meet Lumine’s eyes. The two made eye contact, prompting Lumine to giggle a bit, delirious from how much it made her heartrate do gymnastics. The feeling of butterflies still haven’t left her, and she was loved that, grateful for the bond the two had.

“I hope it never ends,” Lumine added, snuggling into Childe’s cotton redshift. Grasping his arm, she pressed lightly onto his muscles, adoring how broad and muscular they were. He certainly was a football player.

“Same,” Childe said, his voice dropping a more melancholic which surprised Lumine. The ginger’s face looked down a bit, before raising his head, giggling for some reason. He then turned to face Lumine, who was still snuggling into his arm.

“Hey,” Childe said, whispering and letting his voice deepen. Lumine proceeded to bury her head into Childe’s shoulder, hiding her blushing face. “Hey, I like seeing your face, don’t hide it,” Childe said, cupping Lumine’s face and bringing it close to his.

Lumine felt her eyes naturally drift back to his lips, seeing them be so plump and sweet. She took notice of the faint outlines of chapstick on the lips, now curious to know what they tasted like. Reflecting on a mere 15 minutes ago, she remembered her goal, and she realized now was the time to achieve it.

Quickly glancing to the farthest extent, her peripheral vision would allow her, she check to see if the boat was anywhere nearby. Lumine found no machinal rumbling of a boat in the distance and she refocused back on the lips, Childe’s lips.

Furrowing her eyebrows, she grunted a bit, desperate to get closer but she had realized that Childe’s hands were preventing her. She feared that it wasn’t because the ginger didn’t like her anymore.

“Childe, c-can I get closer?” Lumine whispered, pouting a bit.

“No, because I want to kiss you first,” Childe answered before swiftly leaning in and meeting Lumine’s lips with his own. Lumine gasped slightly, before endeavoring herself into the kiss. His lips tasted like strawberry, recognizing the flavor from the chapstick she had noticed earlier. He must’ve put a lot on, she also observed, feeling a lot of the slippery strawberry-scented lotion being passed onto her.

They eventually break apart for air, Lumine blushing and Childe bearing a dopey grin. It made her want to giggle, roll her eyes, and slap the grin off, finding it cutely obnoxious. Then she remembered she could instead kiss the grin off and hence she leaned forward again, lifting herself with the help of Childe’s broad shoulders.

His lips felt warm, a warmth that she would love to enjoy for all of her life. Childe cupped her face, keeping the kiss going for longer than the first. yet their human bodies betray them, and they break apart again for air.

Then in the distance, they hear a recognizable mechanical whirring sound as a Waaverider approached them. Lumine patted her hair down a bit, realizing that Child had grasped some of it while they were kissing. They held hands as the boat arrived, both bearing a big grin, excited for their future love prospects.

End of Chapter 12

High Impact || Genshin Impact H.S AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora