Chapter 6.9

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A few weeks later…

Barbra enters the local café, trying to be as discreet as possible. But to no one’s surprise, her fans wave her on, cheering for her. She blushes, surprised at the sweet gesture despite the changes but appreciates it, glad to know her fans have stuck by her side during the changes.

Over the past few weeks, Barbra had to make some life changes with Alice leaving her. When Jean and Barbra had found Klee, Jean announced she’ll take Klee under custody which she found very sweet and fitting. Then Jean proceeded to beg Barbra not to sue her for abandonment and neglect regarding Alice leaving behind a trainee. Jean claimed that since she’ll be taking Klee as her guardian, all of Alice’s possession would go to her, including her own company and issues.

Barbra reassured Jean, saying that she won’t sue, understanding that it’s not Jean’s fault and it wasn’t going to fix anything. Then Jean had to beg Barbra’s parents not to sue her, explaining the complex situation. Thankfully her parents somewhat understood, all it took was five thousand dollars and they were convinced.

Barbra waved to some of her fans, giving some high fives and more. She then moves her way to backstage, getting ready for her small performance at the local café that allowed open mics. The coffee smell was strong in the air as she made sure makeup up was good in the nearby mirror.

Barbra went on a small hiatus, taking control of the channel, and announcing to them the changes to come. She had a lovely conversation with Xinyan a few days later, wanting to get some insight from a fellow independent musician and see what route she can take from there.

Xinyan claimed that while she had full control of her content as an independent musician, she would have to do everything on her own. Barbra had gotten nervous at the prospect, not used to being alone for her music career but Xinyan claimed that she would help and make it easier if she wishes.

In the end, Barbra considers going to go independent for a little while, let herself rest from being in a comp, any and try to do things more DIY. When announcing this to her channel and fans on her platforms, it had brought a decrease in attention, former fans believing that she wouldn’t be to write songs or debut on her own. It ticked her off, causing her to aggressively learn how to make and compose her own song, writing lyrics and everything. Xinyan help, of course, amused at the sudden passion.

Now she was a debuted artist, having released a single.

“Barbra, you’re on in 30 seconds,” the man said, gesturing to the stage.

“Oh!” Barbra exclaimed, surprised. She felt butterflies swarm inside her stomach, excited but nervous to perform her new song for the first time.

Working with a small budget, she decided to perform at a local café for the first time. It wasn’t the giant shiny stage she had dreamed of when younger, the one Alice promised that she would take with a group of fellow members, but it was genuine and when looking out from it, she could see dedicated fans that continued to support her despite everything.

Getting on stage, she saw the fans, waving, vying for her attention while chattering amongst themselves. She giggles, warmed at that they arrived at a slightly late time to watch her perform in a small café.

“Hello everyone, I am Barbra,” Barbra says, her voice trembling a bit. In the far distance, she sees a few familiar faces, Rosaria, her former bodyguard since Alice isn’t paying her anymore. Also, Xinyan, her latest fan and now a new friend of hers. The two of them wave, giving thumbs up and reassuring her all is fine. Barbra smiles brightly, causing some fans to squeal which made her chuckle.

“I’m here to perform my debut single, Stars, I hope you enjoy,” Barbra says, finishing her intro. The audience applauds and she begins. She sings into the microphone while sitting on a stool. She couldn’t help but remember the hours she would spend practicing dancing only to now be sitting. It stung but yet the sight of people being happy with her music made her feel all the better.

In a way, she had reached her dream of spreading happiness with her music, and for that, she was satisfied enough.

End of Chapter 6

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