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note: time skips a bit here and there


Hayoon's POV
"Oh? You're here, doctor Jang. Hello." I greeted as I entered Jungwon's room, where the doctor was checking on him.

"Hello." She bowed.

"It's pretty late. Are you still working? You seem to be here a lot."

"Yeah. I work most of the night shifts since I'm the only resident here."

"Oh gosh. Shouldn't they find more people?"

"Well, there aren't many people to begin with."

"Oh no. Have you eaten?"

"Uh, not yet, but I'll get some food soon."

"Want to join me then?"

"Oh no it's okay. I'm not allowed...." Her cheeks flushed as she was flustered.

"It's okay. It's pretty late, and if we go somewhere when you're not in your scrubs, no one would recognise you."

"It's really fine. It's against the law if it's been found out. And..... my professor is getting me food." Her cheeks turned red.

"Ah, I see. Well, enjoy your dinner."

"Thanks. You too. See you." And she bowed and left. I walked over to Jungwon and sat beside him. Then I took out the scented candle I just bought. It was vanilla scented, since it had a calming scent. Also, Jungwon loved these. Loves. Loves....

"Jungwon-ah, these are your favourite candles. It took my forever to find a pure vanilla one because now they mix in other scents, but I finally found one. I'll light it for you." And I placed the scented candle on the bedside table and lighted it. After awhile, a faint smell of vanilla filled the space.

"Smells nice, right? It smells like a bakery." I turned to him and frowned. "Can you even smell this? Or is the oxygen tube blocking your nose from smelling this?"

"Ah right, Heeseung told me that he hasn't told your grandma about you. But seriously, if you don't wake up soon, she may find out. And..... Well, she'll be crushed. Don't do this to her, okay? If you don't want to wake up for me, or for Heeseung or any of your friends, please, just, wake up for your grandmother, okay? Don't you want to see her again?" I sighed as I got no response.

"Please just think of her. For her sake, and mine, and everyone else, please...."

"Noona?" I quickly turned as the voice startled me slightly.

"Oh gosh, Ni-ki, hey."

"Hey." He replied with not much expression.

"Did.... something happen?"

"Huh? Uh no. Nothing." But there was definitely something up.

"You sure?"

"Huh? Uh, yeah." He looked lost in his thoughts.

"Is Heeseung here? Don't you two live together?"

"Yeah he went to get food."

"Are you really okay?" He just stared at me, before sighing.

"I.... don't know. I just feel so lost. And I feel like shit."

"What's the matter?"

"When Jungwon hyung got into the accident, I was 17, or turning 18. That also meant that I was still in school. After he got into such an accident, I felt really lost. He was the first person to stand up against my bullies, and the first person to befriend me. He really helped me at my lowest. The fact that I couldn't even tell he was suffering, that he needed help, I just.... I feel like I failed him. He helped me, but I couldn't help him. And now I may never be able to repay his kindness." Ni-ki sniffled.

I looked at him sympathetically. How long had he been keeping this to himself?

"Ni-ki, it isn't your fault. Jungwon's like this because of his parents. Hey, even I couldn't figure him out. He was always so happy and cheerful, it was hard to think that, he was suffering so much. And, you don't need to repay his kindness. He helped you because he wanted to. You're not indebted to him. I'm sure he wouldn't want you to beat yourself up over this, okay?"

"Yeah. I just, am a little overwhelmed." He rubbed his eyes, sniffling.

"Hey, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here, okay? And Heeseung is also here. You can talk to him too."

"He already is so busy. I don't want to trouble him any more."

"You're not going to be troubling him more, trust me. He also needs someone to talk to. I'm sure he'd appreciate you talking to him about all this.... stuff that is happening."



"Okay then, I'll talk to him." He nodded.

"Hey, everyone fine with jjajangmyeon?" The door slid open, revealing Heeseung.

"Of course. But how did you know I was here?" I asked as I took the bags from him to help unpack it.

"Ah, I met that female doctor. She said you were here."

"Oh okay." And I distributed the food and utensils.

"I thought you wanted to take some time off from seeing Jungwon?"

"Well, doesn't mean I won't visit. I'll just visit less, when I'm not so busy."

"Mhm. He's still the same?"

"Yeah. Nothing changed." Heeseung just nodded and continued eating.

"Hyung." Ni-ki said. Heeseung looked up at him.


"Uh, nevermind. We can talk at home."

"Oh.... okay?" Heeseung glanced at me. I could tell he was curious. I just shrugged knowingly.

"Okay...... that was awkward." I heard him mutter before he continued eating. I just exchanged a glance with Ni-ki, stifling my laughter before I continued eating.


im getting writer's block🙃🙃 also i wna throw my phone away im sick of rhythm hive esp when that stupid game got an entire plastic surgery

welp bye imma get chicken wings now

welp bye imma get chicken wings now

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