| chapter fourteen. |

Start from the beginning

Wait. Scar?

Widening his eyes, Yamaguchi immediately noticed that there were several scars on his back. The long streaks that he hoped what he was thinking weren't the cause, as well as a small circular wound on his right shoulder and one on his waist. His breath hitched as his body started to tremble slightly.

He only had a few seconds before the back was covered by a black T-shirt and the person finally walked out. In a panic, his gaze swept across the room. He stopped at the third-year setter, who only gave him a sad smile. Silently telling him to be quiet and not to talk about what he saw.

With a still shocked face, Yamaguchi nodded slowly. Choose to get ready in the canteen and eat breakfast there. He doesn't even have the time to notice that he's been caught checking his senpai out because his entire focus is on the scars on his back.

Today is the last day of joint practice before the Tokyo boys compete in their inter-high competition. And then will be continued again by the camp after they finished. It was almost evening and everyone had finished their turn. Making them sit in the gym for a while to rest.

"Excuse me, may I have your attention for a moment!" Fukurodani's coach, Yamiji, shouted, lightly clapping his hands to draw everyone's attention to him. "Since today is the last day, we, the coaches, decided to hold one last match."

The mixed reactions between them instantly made the gym noisy again. Coach Nekomata then cleared his throat. "However, this match will be special. We'll do a random match," he said. "That is to say, the players on the team are chosen at random from the entire school."

Then he pointed to Coach Ukai, who was carrying a box containing small rolls of paper with their names on it. "In this way, you will practice cooperating with people from different schools, different skills, and different personalities. II will announce it now, Yellow Team!"


"Doesn't this seem a little unfair?" Akaashi asked, taking a look at the selected team members.

"That's fair enough," replied Suga, grinning slightly.

"If they don't use paper rolls, yes, it's not fair," said Yaku.

"Argh!!! Why wasn't I chosen!!"

"This is unfair!! I want to join!!"

Everyone was stunned and perplexed as they stared at the chosen team members. But they can't lie if they're not interested in the match this time. Who are they, you wondered?


Yellow Team

Blue  Team


"Why should I be chosen out of all people?" Konoha groaned as he approached Yanagi with his hands on his waist. "I'm still tired."

Yanagi raised an eyebrow. "But among the others, you're better off on a team with me, right?"

Konoha grumbled. Not answering.

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