Pandora Lovegood Part 1

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A/n: As I already mentioned at the end of last chapter, this one was intended two be released as one chapter with the previous one but I decided against it. With that out of the way let's start. As usual all credits goes to the artist (That was the original A/N however I think I really need to apologize for procrastitanting like that ;-; so sorry and for Info I had this part ready for quite some while as in really a few months however I always wanted to make it a full chapter and not split it again but I thought imma give you guys at least something lol)


p.o.v. (Y/n)

We were now in the beginning of April. April 4th to be exact. What for others may be just a normal Sunday or maybe even their birthday was for me a dark day on my books as it reminded me of the day someone passed away. More specific Pandora Lovegood. Luna's mother was a great mother and a really considerate person. She always just wanted the best for her daughter. Knowing it was her deathday made it obvious what I would do today. I would search for Luna and spend the day with her as she probably still hasn't really overcome the loss of her mother and could use any support she can get.

I was walking around Hogwarts trying to find Luna since the last few weeks I thought about today and how she would handle this. Maybe I am overprotective of her but I am just worried that this day maybe is just too much for her to bear. On my way through Hogwarts I saw Sarah and Tim sitting in the courtyard and approached them.

"Hey you two how are you doing? Have you guys slept well?" I asked them both as it was still in the morning. "Yeah I slept really good thank you for asking (Y/n)." Sarah answered "Well as usual it was annoying to get up in the morning you know me (Y/n). How about you?" Tim spoke. "Well to be honest not so great but not just today the last few weeks have been kind of stressful for me but it's not a big deal honestly" I retorted to not worry them too much. "Have you guys seen Luna today?"

"Ohhhh looks like someone got the courage to confess their feelings for their childhood crush!" Sarah squealed really excitedly. "Sarah please I'm really not in the mood for this. Can you just tell me if you have seen her?" I responded rather exhausted.

"Well now that you've mention it I think I saw her leaving the common room rather early today but I haven't seen her since" Tim revealed to me. I guess I know where she ran off to then. "Thanks for providing me with this info then." I thanked Tim while walking away from them.

p.o.v. change to Sarah

"Hey Tim did you notice how odd he behaved?" "Well I surely noticed how he couldn't be asked to deal with your teasing today." "That's exactly what I mean. normally he is just annoyed and tries to get back at me but today he looked really exhausted and tired. Do you actually believe he is alright because I don't."

"Well I guess the best is if we search and keep and eye on him and you should apologize when we found him!" Tim scolded me "Yeah I know I wanted to anyway. My intention wasn't to hurt him in any way." "Alright then let's go he can't be that far." Tim commanded me and we went to search for him.

We found him a few moments later on the lake sitting next to Luna but we were still quite far away. I went over to talk to them but Tim hold my shoulders making me stopp in my tracks and pulled us behind a tree. "What are you doing I want to apologize for earlier!" I explained angry to Tim while Luna and (Y/n) did not hear me.

"Do it later. They look rather sad and probably want some alone time." "Huh? What are you talking about?" I looked around the Tree and saw that Tim was right. They did look rather beat up and sad. "Should we console them? They look really distraught after all." I asked Tim but he shook his head.

My Little Dream (Luna Lovegood x reader / Reader Insert X Harry Potter Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora