Fateful Meeting

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A/n: I am sorry to person who created the fan art cause I don't know who created it but it is not mine and all credit goes to the one who created the fan art.


p.o.v. (Y/n)

The next day arrived and Sarah, Tim and I had a free period in which we were walking around the Hogwarts castle. It was all good and fun until Sarah started telling Tim of yesterday's incidents.

"Tim you won't believe what crazy thing happened at yesterday's sorting ceremony!" Sarah exclaimed excitedly "Oh yeah what happened?" Tim asked confused but intrigued.

"Guess what? (Y/n) has a crush on a first year!" Sarah explained teasingly with a grin from ear to ear making me a bit annoyed.

"(Y/n) is that true? I mean it's just the first day afterall" Tim asked me which annoyed me even more.

"Shut up Sarah! I don't have a crush on her!" I tried arguing with her.

"Yeah of course you don't" She retorted ironically "That's totally what it looked like" she kept on going and rolling her eyes.

"I don't. She is just an old friend of mine" I tried to explain

"Because that's how you look at an old friend. I have seen how you've looked at her" Sarah said triumphantly.

"What do you mean 'How I've looked at her'? How should I look when I see an old friend?" I asked her confused.

"Well certainly not like that if she is "just a friend" " She teased me again while stressing the last part with great irony.

We argued for another 2 minutes before we heard a girl voice from behind "(Y/n) is that you?" We all three turned around and saw a little dirty-blonde haired girl with big pale silvery eyes and an overall dreamy look but not just on her face but her overall appearance.

"Yes. That would be me. Luna Lovegood" I answered with a smile resting on my face and putting extra emphasize on her name.

Luna smiled back at me and walked towards me and started hugging me. "It's great to see you again (Y/n)" "Yeah It's also great to see you again too" I retorted and hugging her back.

"Erm... Sorry to interrupt this sweet reunion but why don't you introduce us to her?" Sarah said as she was tipping my shoulder and having a grin painted on her face which went from ear to ear.

"Ah you are right" I muttered flustered as Luna and I dissolved our hug and I started scratching the back of my head. "Sarah? Tim? This is my old childhood friend Luna Lovegood. Luna? Those are my best friends Tim Davies who is a fellow Ravenclaw of yours" "Hello" Was all Tim had to say. "And Sarah Robinson the upbeat part of the group"

"Oh. My. Gosh. You are soooooo adorable!" Sarah exclaimed pushing me away, making me trip over and looking at Luna with the most Sarah like way. She looked extremely excited to meet her but it was way more extreme than usual. Luna just started snickering at that and putting her hand over her mouth "Well thank you. You look cute as well" She got back to her usual dreamy smile.

"Well it was nice meeting you guys but I have to get to class" Luna said and started galloping away.

"Oh my gosh (Y/n) she is so adorable and nice I want to have a personal Luna" Sarah sulked "Now I can see why you have a crush on her" She began teasing me with this again.

"I already told you like 5 billion times that I don't have a crush on her. She is an old friend from childhood days"

"Oh I want to hear the story of how you fell in love (Y/n)!" "I ALREADY TOLD YOU I AM NOT IN LOVE!" "Sure. Cause screaming is refuting my point"

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