Making Memories

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p.o.v. (Y/n)

The days went on and soon we were reaching the Christmas time. And I had that feeling again but more intense. I was staying at Hogwarts over the holidays with (C/n). We couldn't get gifts for each other as we weren't allowed to leave Hogwarts. And we were sitting in the great hall.

"(Y/n)! (C/n)!" We heard from the entrance and saw Ron and Harry sprinting towards us.

"What is it guys?" I asked the two smiling boys.

"Come with us to the Gryffindor common room" Ron told almost ordering us.

"What should we do there?" I asked them with a confused look.

"Celebrating Christmas with both of us of course" Ron explained to me and (C/n).

We reached the painting of the fat lady but I didn't saw an entrance anywhere. "Oh (Y/n) you don't even know how to reach our common room" (C/n) exclaimed. "Is that a problem?" I asked

"Well normally it would be but I am willing to make an exception this time as you four are just probably going to celebrate Christmas because all 4 of you are in Hogwarts and you are the only one who isn't a Gryffindor and want to celebrate it with your (C/n) and your friends who are all Gryffindor" The fat lady said.

"That would be amazing fat lady!" (C/n) exclaimed really happy.

As the fat lady opened and we walked into the common room we heard her say "And I wish you all a merry christmas"

We were all sitting in the common room and having fun. Ron got a Red sweater with a big 'R' on the front knitted by his mother while Harry got a anonymous present with a letter.

"Your father left this in my possession before he died. It was time it was returned to you. Use it well" Harry read aloud and unpacked the present. It was just a normal cloak. Nothing special. 'What a dumb present' I thought to myself kinda angry as to why someone would make such a bad joke. But then he put it on.

"Woah!" Ron exclaimed after Harry put the cloak on and every part but his head was gone. "My body's gone!" Harry said excitedly.

"That's an invisibility cloak!" (C/n) called out with sheer amazement in his voice and face. "It's really rare"

"The question is. Who gave it to you and why?" I asked.

"There was no name. It just said use it well" Harry answered.

"And now to you (Y/n)" I heard (C/n) say to me. "What do you mean?" I inquired confused.

"Grandma and grandpa got us presents too. They told me I should give it to you on our first christmas together in Hogwarts." (C/n) stated as he gave me a small box.

I opened the box and in there were two rings. One of the rings was gold with a ruby in it and the other one was silver with a sapphire in it.

"Those are..." "Their sacred treasures yes. Both of us get a ring. But I don't care which one I get, so you get to choose your ones first."

It was a hard choice to make while holding back my joy tears. But I decided to go with the sapphire ring. "So I get to keep the one from grandma." (C/n) said with a glee.

I couldn't keep myself anymore. I jumped at (C/n) and hugged him trying my best to hold back the tears but a few sniffs here in there were audible. "Thank you (C/n)" He just hugged me back and smiled with his eyes closed. "Merry Christmas (Y/n)"

It was the best Christmas in a while and after that we four were having much fun. It was a day I wouldn't forget so easily.


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