Chapter 3

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I looked at the young man, who was pushed through the door stumbling on his way in. I watched as he looked up to me as Nathen introduced us, he looked about seventeen, I saw the horror in his eyes as they took in my image.

I didn't know what I looked like in this moment in time, but I could tell from Carson's face, it wasn't a good look for me.Carson's hands were tied.

His black hair was cut short, his eyes where a strangely magnificent blue that looked like ice. His eyes contrasted with his tan skin, making the golden color stand out even more than it already was, next to the faded black that was his shirt.

His jawline looked very Strong and masculine, his thicker lips turned down in an angered frown. I saw that his left eye was bruised, I felt a deep anger build up inside my stomach for an unknown reason. Why did I care? I don't.

Nathen smirked at Carson's face and slowly walked over to him, the whole time Carson took a step back, eventually hitting the wall. The light from the door still left open was all that was allows in. Nathen leaned his head in close to Carson.

"That girl is hanging there for  good reason." Nathen said and Carson looked at me and swallowed hard. Nathen looked back at me just when I spit at him. It landed right on the side of his face. "Oops." I said sarcastically as Nathen whipped it away. Nathen went over to the wall and lit a small candle for Carson, and walked way.

Caron slightly flinched at the sound of the slamming door,  I was far too used to the sound. Carson waled over to the door, quickly when we heard the load click sound the lock made sliding into it's bolts."You can't get out, you might as well try to get comfortable." I said slowly, still hanging from my chains.

"Piss off." Carson said anger, frustration, and saddness filling his voice. "Alright but before I do I'm going to give you some advise, don't fight them." I said nonchalantly.

Carson looked at me questioningly before speaking. "Why not? It's not like you can do a lot of damage." Carson said slumping down against a wall. I smirked. "Do you even know why I'm up here?" I asked. Carson shook his head no.

"You know those buff guys out there right? well when they decided to use me for more violent game of catch the flag" I pointed to myself " I broke about fourteen arms earlier today." I said nodding to myself replaying the sound of the snapping bones in my head.

Carson stared at me wide eyed for a second the shook his head. "Yeah..." He said sounding skeptical. If he didn't believe me, that was fine, but he would have to learn sooner or later how to defend himself.

"Trinity Knight!" A deep voice yelled.

Carson went rigid at the sound. "What?!" I asked sounding annoyed. 'Cause I was. Marcus came through the door in a rush, looking first at me then to Carson.

"How dare you brake my creation's arms!" Marcus yelled at me coming at me quickly. "Next time tell them not to use me as a fucking play toy!" yelled right back in his face.

Fiery anger bloomed deep inside Marcus's eyes as he clamped his hand around my throat and forced my head against the wall.

Black dots formed in my field of vision, as I slowly felt my body going limp. I pushed that feeling away and gained control again.

Carson just stood there in shock of what he was seeing. Marcus was about 6'10 in height and towered over me easily pressing me against the wall.

"You will be punished for that later. This time I won't make them stop at a hundred." Marcus told me before storming out again.

"Are you alright?" Carson asked me as soon as Marcus was out the door. "Yeah I'll be fine." I said pulling my head off of the wall.

"What was he talking about?" Carson asked me.

"My punishment." I said slowly. "What happens?" He asked me in a small voice.

"I get whipped."

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