Chapter Nineteen: The Undoing

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The next morning, I concoct a plan to retrieve not only the chocolates, but potentially anything Darwin has on us; us meaning me, Pansy, and Narcissa. The smoldering feeling of chaos and destruction brewing in my chest only increases my determination to make this plan work. But it has to fall onto a lot of people. A lot. The risk in this is a bit much. But risk is what I do, and I certainly know other people who will be more than willing to join me in it.

Sabrina delivers to Draco next. I don't bother coding my note this time. Destruction Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. Get Slytherin to go fucking crazy. We only have one chance. As an afterthought, I add, Use your mom's time turner if you need it to prep. Bring me polyjuice. And get rid of the goods for fuck's sake. Don't wanna be expelled. -N

It feels like it takes Sabrina forever to return, though in reality it's less than an hour. Narcissa lets her in and out willingly, especially when I tell her Sabrina shits and pisses all over the place when she's upset and feels trapped.

Sabrina coughs up another note, and grinning with excitement, I open it in the bathroom.

You better know what you're doing. -D

I heave a huge sigh of relief.

My next note goes to Fred and George. Plant every exploding thing and diversions you can around the castle. Doesn't HP have some fucking invisibility cloak you can borrow? Wednesday at 6:00 p.m., Slytherin goes crazy. Get Gryffindor in on it. Also find Darwin's shit. And any special chocolates they might have. We need it or we're fucked. Bring it to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, say it's for me if I'm not in there. Right away. -N

I nibble at my lower lip nervously as I fold the note tightly. I'm asking them for a lot. I know they can handle the first part, but they'll really have to wing it with Darwin.

God, this better work.

It takes Sabrina longer to come back.

On it. We've already been working on Darwin. Don't worry. -F & G

Next is Pansy. Wait for 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday. I have a special surprise. I think you'll have fun. Go stupid, you hoe. Don't forget the chocolates and the rest. -N

Pansy sends a messy heart scrawled across a bit of paper back with Sabrina.

As the day wanes on, I'm getting more and more nervous. I need to think of a way to execute what I'm planning perfectly.

My part in the plan is kind of messy, but I think it'll be enough. When everyone starts to riot, I plan to make a beeline for Moaning Myrtle's bathroom to get Darwin's diary from her. If Fred and George don't manage to get what I need from Darwin's possession before Wednesday, at least I'll have incriminating evidence against him anyway. If I need it, I'll have the polyjuice potion. The one person I have perfect access to is Narcissa, and if I need to, I'll turn myself into her.

I don't sleep well tonight. I toss and turn, anxiously making a list inside my head of everything that could go wrong, and how badly I'll have fucked everyone over if it does all end up crashing and burning. I'll just have to try to pin as much of it onto me as I can, and hope that I have enough on Darwin to bring him down. I just hope I'm right about who poisoned me and Pansy. If I'm not, I don't know how we'll manage to formulate a plan for any other suspects after we pull this bullshit.

Around midday on Wednesday, Narcissa approaches me with a beaming smile. I'm surprised when she holds out a small box she's hidden behind her back for me to take. "Draco wanted me to give this to you," she informs me as I knit my brows in confusion.

I smile. "Thank you!" I exclaim as I hold the small box to my chest almost protectively, hoping against hope she doesn't want to check what's in it. Draco, that little shit. He couldn't have been more obvious. "Tell him that I miss him," I tell her.

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