Chapter Sixteen: The Love and Protection of Narcissa Malfoy

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The rest of the day goes on in a sort of haze. By the next morning, I almost can't believe the moment with Narcissa actually happened. I keep wondering if - or hoping it was - just a bizarre dream.

Pansy and Draco have definitely noticed something's up. I'm slower to get dressed this morning, and I can hardly concentrate on choosing an outfit. Pansy is already dressed, and is holding Sabrina on her lap as she watches me in concern.

"What's wrong?" she finally blurts out, narrowing her dark eyes in suspicion.

I shake my head. "Nothing. Just really tired," I fib as I rummage through the pile of clothing I have taken from my wardrobe. "I kept waking up last night."

She seems to accept the excuse, and shrugs. "I could help you," she offers. Gratefully, I nod, and she gently places the purring Sabrina onto the mattress beside her before sliding off the bed to join me on the floor. She is immediate in her choice, picking up a black satin corset top and a plaid black pleated skirt, along with a black lace cropped cardigan. The cardigan doesn't do much other than spicing up outfits, but I like it. She holds it all in the air for me to examine, looking hopeful. I nod and grab the clothes, getting to my feet to change.

Once I've donned the outfit, she brings over thigh-high black stockings and a pair of black front zip platform ankle boots. I pull them on, then hurriedly put on my makeup and brush my hair out.

I meet Pansy's eyes in the mirror. "Go on," I urge her as the brush pauses midway through my hair. "You'll be late."

Pansy grins lazily. "I don't care. If we get detention, that's only an extra, what, maybe half an hour on top of what we have with Umbridge?"

I roll my eyes, continuing to drag the brush bristles through my hair. "You don't have to get in trouble because I'm having an off morning."

Pansy begins to rummage through her jewelry box. "I'm looking for something." Before I can tell her she's bullshitting, she grins and plucks a silver locket by its thin chain.

"What's that for?" I inquire.

She doesn't reply; instead, she makes a show of putting pills inside of the heart shaped part of the locket as a response to my questioning. It seems to have a bit of an extendable charms cast over it, as she tucks in far more pills than a normal locket could hold. When she snaps the heart charm shut, she hands it to me.

I smile, though confusion shines through on my face. Pansy just shrugs. "Something's off with you. You deserve a bit of a pick-me-up throughout the day." She eyes me knowingly, but doesn't say anything further. I smile gratefully, and then we're off for class without another word.

The day goes on uneventfully. It's a relief, as I'm feeling emotionally worn out from that evening with Narcissa up on the bridge. It sticks with me like a clinging fog, refusing to fully leave me alone.

I've saved the pills from Pansy until Umbridge's class. I discreetly pop them into my mouth and take a quick sip from the water bottle I'd stashed into my book bag during our lunch hour. Nobody notices, and so nobody questions. I don't even want Draco to say anything, jokingly or otherwise.

I'm uncharacteristically quiet and non-disruptive throughout the lesson. Umbridge trills on about something or another, but I don't pay attention. Her subjects are purposely uninformative. She seems to be determined to thwart our opportunity to learn actual defense against the dark arts. The old bat has it out for the entire lot of us.

I drag my feet on our way to potions. Draco and Pansy are locked in an intense debate on who's the shittiest Quidditch player for the Gryffindor team, so they seem not to notice my odd behavior.

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