Chapter 2

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By now one and a half months had gone by and I would spend about seven more weeks here on set.
Up until now the rest of the cast and I got along pretty great, we usually ate dinner together and every now and then we'd have a movie night or afternoon.
I usually had to do my school stuff in the afternoon, which usually led to someone coming in and bothering me, cause they wanted to do something with me, till Scarlett figured out what happened and threw them out of my trailor. Usually she said that she wouldn't let someone ruin my education because of boredom. Most of the time the blonde would sit down with me and make sure I really worked and got everything.

I hadn't seen my dad once in all the time I had been here, of course not why would he come over to see me, when he shouldn't even care about me. 
Scarlett had asked me a few times why we never visited each other or called, but I always gave her vague answers. 
Because in all honesty, how could I explain to her that my dad didn't want to see the murderer of his wife.

"Charlie?" I flinched. Nobody called Mr Charlie, with the simple reason that my dad's name was Charlie. Scarlett and ChrisE were walking towards me. They were in everyday clothes and had removed the makeup they had on before. They were probably finished with filming for the day. 
"Hey." I gave them both a warm smile, which they returned. 
"We wanted to go to a Cafe. Wanna come?" ChrisE asked, his was beaming, like he had just given me the option to fulfill my biggest dreams. Scarlett smiled as well but compared to the man she came closer and pulled me into her arms.
That was another thing. Ever since the beginning Scarlett and Lizzi had been the two people I had talked to the most and both of them had the habit to hug me. At random times and places. Between  takes, to greet me or when we were talking, I was just suddenly pulled into the arms of one of the women who put their head on my shoulder. 
Even though I didn't mind it, I was feeling a little embarrassed by it. In the end they didn't know I was a killer. That I had killed my own mother. They shouldn't be so nice to me. I didn't deserve it. I deserved the hatred and anger of my dad. I deserved the sleepless nights my bad conscience gave to me. I deserved the dark marks all over my body.
"Charlie? What are you thinking?" Scarlett's Voice brought my out of my thoughts. Her hand was drawing small circles on my arm, while she had pulled me closer to her chest.
"Nothing important. Could you please not call me not Charlie? My dad's named Charlie."
The grownups nodded, Scarlett's hand was still drawing patterns on my arm. 
"Alright. Are you coming with us to the Cafe, Lottie?"
ChrisE asked again and I smiled. I had never been called Lottie in my whole life. I had always just been Charlotte. 
"Yeah. I'd like that. Just let me get my money." He shook his head. 
"My treat." He winked at us as he started to wall to his car. 

Scarlett laughed and let go of me, just to take my hand and pull me with her. 
We got into ChrisE's Car and he started driving. Scarlett was sitting next to me and continued to draw patterns. I looked down at her hand currently busy drawing a heart shape on my hand, before looking up at her but she just smiled at me.
ChrisE had turned on the radio and 'Everything has changed' by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran was playing. One of my personal favorites and I started humming along.
"You like that song?" ChrisE asked and through the rearview mirror I could see his smile. "Yeah. The whole record is really good." The two chuckled quietly while concentrated back on the song. 
"There we are." The car came to a halt and left the car. The Cafe was small and very quiet. There was one girl behind the counter and only one couple was sitting at one of the tables. 

"What would you girls like?" ChrisE asked while flipping through the pages of the menu. I just took a quick look at mine. "Ice tea." Scarlett was still looking in her menu, but ChrisE was already done. "I'll take a coffee and a cheesecake. What about you Scarlett?" "Ahm Chocolate Muffin and a coffee. Lottie you should eat something as well. You didn't eat a lot during lunch." She put her menu to the side and looked up at me. "I'm not hungry." "But you really need to eat something." I could hear the concern in her voice. So I took the menu and scanned through it. "Cheese sandwich?" The two grown ups nodded satisfied. 
After we had ordered, ChrisE leaned back in his chair and beamed at us. 
"This is the first time you tagged along, Lottie." I flinched a little. So they had realized it. I thought I had been sneaky about it, so they wouldn't realize that I was distancing myself from them.
"Ahm yeah I mean I'm busy with school stuff y'know." I answered while looking down. My right hand was laying on top of Scarletts so I started to play with her rings to calm myself a little bit. 
"You work to hard. You need some off time." I rolled my eyes at him. As if I needed time off to relax. Time off is just time I can use to think about life. So bad time. Time I want to avoid.
"Why are you rolling your eyes? He's right. You're always looking so tired and you don't eat enough. We're just worried, honey." I was still looking at the table. Following the patterns and spots, which had formed over the years. 
"You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine." Scarlett gently pulled her hand from under mine and wrapped her arm around me, before pulling me close towards her. 
She used her other hand to force me to look at her. 
"Honey we are worrying and it's completely fine and we aren't the only ones. Lizzie actually thought about calling your parents." I flinched under no circumstances was my dad allowed to come here.
"No please don't. My father is really busy." "What about your mom, can't she come?" ChrisE asked. "No." I answered. He looked at me like he was waiting for me to tell him more, but I didn't. "Why?" "Cause she's dead." His eyes widened and he looked like he regretted asking. "I'm sorry." Scarlett just pulled me closer to her. 

It was silent for a little while but than ChrisE looked up again. "Is it okay to ask how she died?" He really didn't seem to care that he was asking the most uncomfortable questions ever.
"Car Crash." I couldn't stop myself from adding it was my fault in my thoughts.
"What do you mean that it was your fault?" Scarlett was stroking my hair and internally I was screaming, why the hell did I say this, did I even say it, did I just think out aloud?
 "Nothing. I'm sorry." Our food came and I took a few sips of the ice tea to calm myself down. 
"It's not nothing. What did you mean?" She asked again, but I just shook my head and started nibbling on the sandwich she wanted me to eat. 

"Charlotte. What do you mean?" ChrisEs voice was strict and made me jump. For a short second I saw the dark hair and the red from the alcohol and crying,black eyes of my dad.
I let out a whimper and felt Scarlett pull me closer to her. "Lottie, it's okay. You don't need to be afraid. We just want to help you." ChrisE tried but I hid my face in Scarlett's neck. She started to rock me back and forth in an effort to calm me down.
"Everything is alright. Nobody here is gonna hurt you. I felt her stroking my head and playing with my hair, while she continued to whisper into my ear.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled, but she just shook her head.
"Wanna tell us what happened? You might feel a little better afterwards." I wanted to shake my head, but I knew that I didn't really have a chance.
"My mom had to come get me after school, because I played with friends, instead of taking the bus." Tears started to fill my eyes.
"On the way to school she got into the accident. If I had taken the bus, she'd still be alive. I killed her." The tears were streaming down my cheeks. I could taste them and I could feel the heat in my cheeks. 
"Honey. It wasn't your fault. She had an accident." Scarlett tried to calm me down, she had started to once again rock me back and forth while I cried into her neck.
"But she wouldn't have been in the car, if I had been a good child and done like I was told to." The tears were now coming a lot faster. 
I hadn't noticed how ChrisE got up and packed up our stuff with the waitress and paid. "Come Honey. Let's go back." Scarlett held me close as we left the Cafe and even after we got into the car her arms were still wrapped around me.
I felt myself getting tired and started fighting the exhaustion. 
"It's okay. Try to get some sleep Honey." Was the last thing I heard before I fell into  deep sleep.



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