Pulling a page off the board the outlaw on it would fetch me a good price. He would fill my empty stomach as well. If Shu kept chasing his white whale, we all would have empty stomachs. After I had eaten, I would tell him it was time to move on. We needed a real job. The Blood Demon wasn't going to show himself again anytime soon. Shu would have to let it go for now. We could use the credits I made from this bounty to catch our next demon.

"What's a brat doing trying to catch a big fish?" A rough voice had spoken before the page was plucked from my fingers. I sighed. There was always this type in the Bounty Hunter bars. In a Demon Hunter bar, everyone respected everyones skill set. Humans could be so . . . annoying.

"You can give it back or . . ." I let my voice trail off. The bigger man laughed. Turning around to his buddies so they could join in.

"Or what?" The mocking was getting annoying as well. I didn't speak. I thrusted my hand out chopping him in the throat. He reached up grabbing at his neck. The page fluttered to the floor. Bringing my knee up, I rammed it into the man's groin. When he dropped to his knees, I elbowed him the back of the head. He hit the floor hard. All of his friends looking down at him and then up at me.

Leaning down I picked up the page that he took from me. He would be out for a while. If his buddies were real friends, they would move him somewhere he could lay down. If not they would step over his body.

Walking out of the bar I was happy none of his friends wanted to test their luck against me. I walked down the street and around the corner. Stopping inside of an alley before looking down at the page in my hand. Balling up the paper tossing it into the air.

"Lead me to your body," I whispered to the page infusing it with my magick. It turned into a paper bird as it started to fly away. My eyes shifted around the dark space making sure I was alone.

The shift was like slipping into another skin. My body rippled for a moment. It had held the human form for only a second before I stood in all of my demonic glory.

Long silver hair flowed down my back. A pair of sharp fangs pushed down from my gums. Huge black wings spread across my back cramping in the narrow space the alley offered. Pointed ears heighten my sense of hearing as red eyes improved my sight. Even though the paper bird was blocks away, I could still see it.

Flapping my wings it took me into the sky. It was easy to catch up with the paper bird. It led me over the city as the humans below pointed and gasped that a demon was in the sky. Humans failed to realize that most demons walked beside them and went unnoticed every day.

Chasing the paper bird it dropped low and I followed behind it. We had crossed half the city going to the slums as it flew down a few alleys keeping low to the ground. I paused as the paper bird stopped in front of the door of a rundown apartment building.

Looking around I dropped to the ground. I reverted back to my human form. My fingers pushed through the black hair. My tongue explored my mouth for a moment still feeling the fangs that were less noticeable in this form.

Walking to the door I turned the knob. It came open under my fingers and I stepped into the building. The stink of waste assaulted my nose right away. Even in the lobby there were junkies sitting and laying about getting high. I followed the paper bird up the stairs as it stopped on the third floor in front of another door.

When this one came open under my fingers, my stomach let out a low growl. The scent of blood was overwhelming in the room. It wasn't anything like the house we had been in this morning. This blood was fresh. It made me lick my lips as I anticipated my meal.

I followed the sweet scent down the hall and to a bedroom. My head tilted to the side as I heard the soft sobs of someone within. He was with someone. This was his next victim on his long list of victims. It had to be the blood of whoever he was with that filled the hall.

Blood Prize {Bloody Dance Series #1} BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now