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"Just lay down and we can watch a movie" my attempt at consoling dylan may have worked, its kinda hard to tell. "are you going to tell wilbur about any of this?" she mumbled, wiping the remnants of tears off her face. i shook my head, shushing her and pressing play on lilo and stitch. "its 'm favourite one" she mumbled, hiccuping slightly "i know, well i kinda guessed since your lock screen thing" she nodded her head against my shoulder.

"i dont like telling people i love them, its too hard. normally i just tell them im grateful for them" i hummed, acknowledging what she said but not sure what to reply with. "DYLAN GOLD!" wilburs voice rung through the flat, i watched her visibly deflate and slowly get up to see why she was called upon "no, lie down ill go speak to him" i told her, somewhat sternly. closing the door behind me i wandered into the kitchen to find wilbur stood with phil and kristin, looking awfully parent like

"What do you want wil?" his face could only be described as shocked from the way i spoke to him "i called on dylan not you, i want to speak to dyla-" "Dylan is upset. okay? shes drained and frustrated and upset. but you didnt come to check on her before shouting on her like an angry father. so tell me whats wrong and why you need to speak to her" all 3 adults stared at me, none of them saying anything. just as i was about to walk away wil spoke. "i simply wanted to speak to her about tomorrow and how she's travelling back home" i sighed "she is getting the train and then a taxi home"

Dylan's POV

"he wanted to know how you were getting home," i nodded tiredly, only sinking further into the mattress. Tommy came back and sat up in the bed beside me, slightly slouched but sitting for the most part. "im gonna sleep" i mumbled, getting closer and resting my head on his stomach "comfy?" he chuckled lightly "mhm" "warm?" i nodded "mkay, goodnight dyl" feeling him messing around with my hair and slightly humming odd songs made me fall sleep practically immediately.


ive also had enough of the "oh my god i dont know how to act around the opposite gender so im going to act like a complete and utter dick and if someone is physically affectionate to me im going to freak out and panic" tommy

therefore, you get soft and affectionate and kind tommy. cry about it

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