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No ones P.O.V
Hello so I'm supposed to give you a tour on the SMP because dream can't make it and asked me to do it so yeah.

                                              Hello yes that's fine                             when do you want to do the tour.

We can do it right now or if you can't do it right now we can do it another time?

Yes we can do                                          right now that's fine.
While Ethan is rushing to the computer logging into his computer and his Minecraft account actually makes it on time just in time because his discord gets a call from quackity.

"Hello so dream helped you set up things I think that's what he did because he told me". Asked Quackity

"Yeah he helped me set up everything". Said Ethan

After quackity and Ethan join in the SMP Ethan looks up to see that there are people on the server like Tubbo, Sapnap, Wilbur, and a couple of more people but one person standed out who's name Was Tommyinnit.

After a few minutes While Quackity was giving Ethan a tour some people started to join the call Ethan goes to look at who joined to see that it was Wilbur, Tubbo, Tommyinnit
Hello they all said at the same time
"Hello I'm Wilbur and that's tubbo and tommy".
"Hello I'm Ethan but I go by Mars". Ethan says while
being overwhelmed
After that people start talking all at once
"Ethan is a nice name" Tommy said knowing that Ethan may be overwhelmed trying to lighten the mood. Which causes everyone to stop talking and hear what Tommy is saying
"Thank you Tommy" Said Ethan
While having a smile and a little pink on his cheeks.
"No problem" Said Tommy while smiling and a little pink as well.

Author's note: This one took me a while to do because me being me went to do stuff and forgot to write yeah this one is long I think we meet Tommy yay Eat,Sleep,Take your medicine. Have a goodnight or a good morning Bye. - R

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